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*Time Skip To The Twins 11th Birthday*

- Chesca's POV -

I am rudely woken by my twin brother jumping on me... AT 5 IN THE BLOODY MORNING!!

"Harry! GO AWAY! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP FOR MERLIN'S SAKE!" I scream at him before rolling over to go back to sleep. I wish I hadn't. Uncle Moony AND Uncle Padfoot then proceeded to jump on my bed with Harry as well. Merlin save them... nobody wakes me up and gets away with it. I jolt up out of bed and tackle all three of them to the floor before tickling them... mercilessly. Harry goes red and I stop, he's my twin and I know he will help me tickle our Uncles. He sits on Uncle Moony's tummy and tickles him while I do the same to Uncle Padfoot. He goes to tickle me back but I grab his wrists. "Now now Uncle Padfoot , you don't want me to go to prison for killing you on my birthday now do you?"

"Nope, I'm sorry, I'll stop." He says, his face laced with fear. I jump off him and run downstairs with the others following close behind me and plop onto my chair at the table. Yes, we all have specific seats: I sit next to Uncle Moony while Harry sits opposite me next to Uncle Padfoot. Uncle Moony places a large stack of pancakes on the table and we all begin to eat instantly. We all finish at exactly the same time, as usual, and put our dirty plates in the sink and they begin to clean themselves. I run up to my room to get ready for our party with our friends. I french plait my long auburn hair (picture attached is Chesca) and put my pale pink dress (the same one from the last chapter but they made it bigger for her because she loves it too much) and some white tights with some little white slip-ons. I look in my mirror and smile, satisfied with my outfit. I hear the door bell and literally jump down the stairs to open it. I invite everyone in and notice that literally all our friends are here: The Weasleys, Longbottoms and Lovegoods! Let the party begin!

We play loads of different wizard party games until all the lights went out and everyone sang Happy Birthday to us and we blew the candles on our Quidditch cake out; both of us making the same wish we did every year. Everybody then begins to leave and once the last people leave (The Weasleys) I run upstairs and change into my favourite pyjamas and run back down to the family room. I walk in to find mine and Harry's presents separated into two piles and Harry sat on the floor in front of one of them. I walk over and sit in front of the other pile and Uncle Padfoot nods at us to start opening them. I got clothes, books, sweets (which Uncle Moony will probably take off us), prank supplies from Gred & Forge, a dream catcher from Luna, a beautiful pair of moon earrings from Uncle Moony, an adorable ginger cat called Pumpkin from Uncle Padfoot and a necklace from Harry with the word 'Potter' on it. He explains that he has a matching one and whenever one of us needs the other we just touch it to our lips and it causes the other persons to warm up. I give the three of them HUGE hugs and hand Harry his gift from me. His mouth drops open in shock. Its a picture of Mum, Dad, Uncle Padfoot, Uncle Moony, Harry and I on our first birthday, all of  us laughing... well me giggling because I was a slow baby but it was moving and we all kept laughing like there was no war and everything was going to be okay. Harry had a single tear rolling down his cheek.

"W-where did you get that Prongslet?" Uncle Padfoot asks me, in shock.

"Well, Mum put some pictures and a letter inside my pyjamas when Voldywart came to the house and the letter said: 'To our sweet baby girl, I am leaving these pictures with you so you always remember us. Please give one of the ones from your first birthday to Harry on your 11th birthday and explain where it came from. Remember we love you baby and be strong.' She had given me two of these so we both could have one." I explained.

"Wait... so how didn't we find them?" Uncle Moony asks.

"Ermmm... well... please don't kill me but as a baby I was VERY intelligent but I decided to completely hide it away and make you all think my brain developed at the same rate as my body. Mum knew this and swore not to tell anyone so that's why she gave them to me. When you put us to bed the night it happened and went to sleep yourselves I crept into my future bedroom, went to the corner of the room with the loose floorboard and tucked them away under there, hiding them from you. Once I started sleeping in a 'big girl bed' I moved them and tucked them into the zippy part on my frog, hence why I wont let you get rid of it." I told them, putting on my best innocent smile.

"So the whole time you knew exactly what we were saying and what it meant?" Uncle Padfoot asks, worried about the conversations and encounters himself and Uncle Moony had in front of me when I was just an infant. Yeah, I'm scarred for life.

"Yep. And I'm scarred." I say innocently. My Uncles look at each other and burst out laughing.

"Oh my! She's seen EVERYTHING Moony! Wait, how can you remember it all though?" He questions.

"I don't know but I remember EVERYTHING from when I was born to now... Merlin help my innocence." I grimace. Everyone chuckles and at that moment two owls tap on the window. Harry and I look at each other and run to let them in. They hand us both a letter and fly away. We simultaneously rip open the letters and read as though our lives depend on it.

"WE GOT INTO HOGWARTS!!!" We scream. Our Uncles jump up and squash us into a huge family hug. They congratulate us and then send us up to bed. I frown  but go climb into bed anyway. Uncle Moony comes in first, as usual.

"Goodnight cub, we will write to Dumbledore and tell him you will be attending. Sleep well." He says before kissing my forehead and going into Harry's room as Uncle Padfoot walks into mine.

"Night Prongslet. When you get to Hogwarts you need to cause as much trouble as you possibly can because you are more like your Dad where Harry is like your Mum. I'll tell you more about it another day love. Goodnight." He whispers before kissing my forehead like Uncle Moony did and gently closing the door. I very quickly fall into a deep sleep, all my bad dreams being taken away by my new dream catcher.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will upload the next one as soon as possible for you guys! Thanks for reading!

- P :)

Francesca PotterWhere stories live. Discover now