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- Draco's POV -

I walk into the great hall with Lily on my back and place her in her seat before sliding into mine. Lunch, one of my favourites. Mainly because it means there are only 2 hours left of lessons but also because I can watch Lils without being told off.

"What am I eating today Dragon boy?" My love asks me.

"Hmmm. How about some cheese sandwiches?" I suggest. She nods so I hand her one and a half sandwiches (3 halves) and she slowly eats them. I pick one up myself and begin eating it. I look over at the Gryffindor table to see both Potter and Weasel looking at Lils and scowling. I glare at them and they glare back.

"Hold on Dray." She whispers. I give her a confused look before I see Scarface jump out of his skin and turn around, dragging Weasel with him. I laugh at the sly look on her face. Professor Lupin comes over and taps her on the back. She turns around with a innocent look on her face.

"Stop. What have I told you?" He says with his eyebrows raised.

"They started it sir, Potter and Weasley were scowling at her. She only told them to stop." I defend her. He nods and goes over to Harry. I smile at her as we see him dragging Harry out of the hall. Some were confused but those who knew that they are family laughed, including me. The bell goes for lessons and I pick Lils up and carry her to the potions classroom. I walk in he room with her and Uncle Severus (Snape is Draco's godfather) doesn't bat an eyelid. I place her down next to me and we get our books out. Two other Slytherins walk in holding hands.

"Greengrass, Nott, Hands to yourselves!" Snape shouts.

"But sir! Malfoy carried Potter in here and you didn't care!" Greengrass protests.

"Did it ever occur to you that I don't care? 10 points from Slytherin for arguing." I smirk at Nott who glares back. Scarface walks in and flops into the seat next to Weasel and is filled in on what just happened. Oh if looks could kill I'd be dead. I chuckle and turned to Lils, kissing her head.

"You will make a cure for boils. I want not a single whisper from the majority of you." He looks at Lils and I. "You have an hour and a half. Go."

- Lily's POV -

I make the last stir of our potion and wait for the others to finish.

"Dray, do you want to go with your mates after this lesson? I don't mind if you do. I'll go find Dan and Phil or Jess." I ask him.

"You won't mind?" He asks. I shake my head.

"You need to spend time with your friends and not just me. I'm sure they miss having you around." I smile.

"Okay, I suppose it would be nice." He agrees. I smile, satisfied that he is going to enjoy himself. "As long as we can do our homework together later?"

"Yes Dray, you can copy my homework." I chuckle.

"Hey Harry, did you see the notice about the first Hogsmead trip on Halloween?" Ron whispers. Sev heard. He flounces over to them.

"I said not a whisper Weasley. 10 points from Gryffindor. And that potion is dreadful. I'm not giving that to anyone, you'll poison them. Another 10 points I think." He sneers and walks over to the front. "STOP! Time up. I'm only going to test one potion because I can see that the rest are a disaster." He walks over to our cauldron and takes a vial of it. "Granger, up here now." He demands. Hermione walks over to him and he casts a spell to make boils appear all over her face. Us Slytherins laugh. She quickly drinks the vial and sits down, the boils disappearing.

"It's a pity it worked, the boils were an improvement." Nott laughs. We all laugh along with him.

"Well. That potion was made perfectly. I shall give the rest to madam Pomfrey. You two don't have to do the homework. The rest of you, I want a 2 foot long essay on antidotes in by Monday. Class dismissed." He says. Dray allows me to get on his back as we go to the common room to find Dray's mates. We find them sat on the sofa and I kiss him goodbye before leaving to find Dan and Phil.

Francesca PotterWhere stories live. Discover now