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Before I start the chapter, 1K reads!!! Holy dinosaurs thank you lovely people. 💚

- Lily's POV -

I'm cold. But there's something warm on my arms. I can hear snores and I know it's Uncle Padfoot.

"Lils, you probably can't hear me but please wake up. Madame Pomfrey is confused why you won't wake and I'm worried. I need you." My dragons voice sounds in what I'm presuming is the hospital wing. I have to wake up. For him. I try my absolute hardest and open my eyes.

- Draco's POV -

"I need you." I whisper. Silently I watch her peaceful face. Her eyes flutter open. "Madame Pomfrey! She's awake!"

"D-Dray?" She mumbles.

"It's okay love, I'm here." I reassure her while shaking Mr Padfoot awake. He jolts up.

"Prongslett, you scared us." He runs his hands through her hair.

"I'm sorry. Where's Uncle Moony?" She frowns.

"Only two of us were allowed in. We've all been alternating." He sighs.

"All of us?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Yes. Me, Draco, Moony, Dan, Phil and Snivellus." He rolls his eyes,

"Stop it. Don't be mean to him." She warns. Madame Pomfrey makes her way over to her side.

"Miss Potter, how do you feel?" She asks her.

"Cold. But other than that fine. Can I go, this place makes me feel uncomfortable?" She makes puppy dog eyes at the healer.

"Hmm. I suppose. However if you don't warm up by the end of the day you come right back." Madame Pomfrey points at her. Lily nods and practically jumps from the bed. We leave and go to Mr Moony's office.

"Cub! You're awake!" He rushes to engulf her in a hug.

"Yep. I thought I'd come let you know. Then Sev, then I'm going to my dorm until breakfast." She smiles. It's currently 5:23am.

"Okay. I'll see you later. Love you." He lets us leave.

"I missed you Dragon." She mumbles, wrapping her arms around my waists and putting her head on my chest.

"I missed you too my love." I respond, hugging her back and resting my chin on her head.

"I could hear you. That's what made me wake up." She whispers.

"You could?" I look at her shocked. She nods and kisses my chin. I pick her up and walk to Uncle Severus' office.

"Lily! Oh merlin you're okay." He slinks over, his cloak flapping around him, and takes her. She hugs him tightly and nods.

"Yes. I'm okay, just cold." She giggles.

"Why outside in the snow?" He raises an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not sure. I wasn't supposed to fall asleep." She shrugs.

"Hmm, whatever you say. Now off you go, warm up." I take her back from him and take her to her dorm. I place her on the bed and climb in next to her. Her skin is a slight shade of blue.

"Come here flower." I open my arms for her and she shuffles over, snuggling into my warmth.

"How long was I out?"

"Three days."

"Wow. That's a lot. So it's the 29th? Nearly new year?"

"Yep. And Dumbledore said we can go to your house for the New Year so we can spend it together."

"Our house Dray, our house."

"Well yeah. But we are leaving tonight. We were going to wait if you hadn't woken up but Madame Pomfrey said it would likely have been today when you did."

"Ah. Okay. That's fun. I can get to know your mum more. And you can get to know my Uncles."

"Yes. Then once I get to know Mr Padfoot we can prank the school together. Because I know you, you don't do pranks because you don't want to do it alone. But I'll do it with you."

"Mr Padfoot. That's adorable." She chuckles. "You're warming me up Dragon."

"I mean, I am pretty hot." I smirk.

"Shut up. No you aren't." I notice a blush creep up into her pale cheeks. She is warmer now, she isn't blue anymore.

"That's just mean." I frown.

"Get over it." She boops my nose.

"Get some sleep Flower." I run my hands through her auburn locks. Her reply is in the form of soft snores, so I join her and fall asleep myself.

- Lily's POV -

I wake up on the floor. How the hell did I get here? Looking at the clock I discover that it's 3:39PM and clamber to my feet, changing into a hoodie and some jeans. Dray's hoodie of course. I leave the common room and head up to Uncle Moony's office, just walking in of course.

"Hey." I plop into the seat across from him, resting my feet up on his desk.

"Hello. Have you packed? We leave at 5." He smiles at me.

"No, I haven't. But I'm a witch so I'll just use magic. Uncle Padsy taught me how." I shrug.

"Ah, of course he did. So... I spoke to Harry." He brings up a subject I wanted to avoid.

"Well done."

"And he's grounded for a month. No quidditch and he's not going to Hogsmeade for the rest of the year."


"I also told him that if he doesn't stop being a self-centred, arrogant toe rag I'm going to have no choice but to ban him from quidditch and Hogsmeade permanently, never take him out on the family days again and move him to Ilvermorny." He smirks, sitting back in his seat.

"You didn't?!" I laugh.

"Oh I so did. He's being horrible to you and he needs to stop because if he's going to be a part of this family, he will behave." Uncle Moony sighs.

"And the other two?" I ask.

"Detention for a month and no Hogsmeade for the rest of the year. While the Hogsmeade trips are taking place, the three of them are in detention. All day. With Filch."

"God I love you Uncle Moony." I hug him, not bothering to get off his lap.

"Good." He chuckles. "BABE, CUB IS HERE!"

"PRONGSLET!" Uncle Pads runs out of the office and scoops me up. "I missed you."

"You saw me earlier." I giggle at his antics.

"That was ten hours ago though." He sits on the floor, still cradling me.

"You can put me down now."

"Never. You're still my little Prongslet." He coos.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes at him.

"Come practice the packing spell I taught you, we're going home soon." He drags me into the office.

"Home. I can't wait." I whisper.


Sorry I haven't uploaded in ages. I'm losing all motivation to write anymore. Any tips? Anywho, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this one!

- E 🖤

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