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(The video above is the song Draco is humming at the feast. (He hums it about Lily))

(Oh and her new nickname from everyone is Lily because of her middle name and how much she looks like her mum.)

- Lily's POV -

I hug my Uncle Moony goodbye and leave him in his compartment to go find Draco. I've matured a lot over the summer. My face has become thinner and I've grown quite a bit. I've started my period too so my boobs have grown.. a considerable amount. I've gotten thinner too however that is to do with Uncle Padfoot being in Azkaban. I'm worried about him, I've stopped eating as much. The ministry claimed that he told Voldy where my parents were hiding and that he's the reason they are dead. And apparently he killed a load of muggles AND Peter.. I don't believe it though. He recently escaped and told us not to come looking for him. It was really hard on us but we know that his name will be cleared once we find Peter Pettigrew. That traitor. I hate him... with a burning passion. The only thing that has been keeping me sane through it all is Draco. I'm very thankful that I have him. Mr Weasley claims that Uncle Padfoot has escaped to kill Harry and I. Harry believes him for some reason. After all he's done for us he decided to turn on him. Idiot.

"LILY!" I hear my blonde best friend shout. I'm crushed in a huge hug. I crush him back.

"HEY! I missed you so much. You have no idea." I mumble into his chest. He brings me into an empty compartment and sits me on his lap while I tell him everything. I'm crying by the end of it and he just holds me close to him, stroking my hair and shushing me. I pull away and take the time to look at him. He's grown a lot. And his hair isn't gelled back now, it's messy and falls over his forehead, perfectly parting at the side. He's gorgeous. His face has become thinner but not for the same reason as me, it's just because he's growing.

Suddenly the train jolts to a stop and I fall off his knee and onto the floor. The lights go out and it becomes considerably colder. I start to shiver and Draco joins me on the floor, wrapping his arms around me. The compartment door begins to slide open and a black cloaked creature with skeletal hands enters. It seems to be looking for something. It stops and looks right at me and I begin to feel all the happiness leave my body. I start to feel really faint when black engulfs my body.

- Draco's POV -

I feel her beautiful body go limp in my arms and start to panic. The creature doesn't leave. Out of nowhere a blue shiny dog runs in and fights the beast away. The door shuts, the lights come back on and the train moves again. I start shaking Lily.

"Lils, wake up. Please? Lily! Oh merlin help her. LILY! I need you..." I whisper the last part. Nothing. I begin to sob and my whole body shakes. A man with scars all over his face runs in.

"What happened?" He asks, surprisingly calm.

"T-the thing. I-it came in a-and s-she passed out!" I sob. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay. She'll wake up. It was a dementor." He explains. I feel her move in my arms.

"D-Draco?" She whispers. I let out a sigh of relief.

"It's okay. I'm here." I hold her close. She grabs onto my shirt for support.

"Here Cub, eat this." The man says. She looks up at him and smiles.

"Thanks Uncle Moony. It's not usually you that gives me chocolate, it's Uncle Padfoot." She chuckles. "Draco, this is Remus Lupin, my Uncle Moony. Uncle Moony, this is Draco."

"Ah, the famous Draco Malfoy. She talks about you all the time. Never shuts-" He was cut off by Lils slapping his knee gently.

"Shut it Moony or I'll take all your chocolate away." She laughs. Oh I love that laugh. Well no, I love her but still.

Francesca PotterWhere stories live. Discover now