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- 3rd Person POV -

It is now 3:30 pm and the house looks spectacular. Gold and silver balloons everywhere, paper chains made by Chesca all over the house, streamers, banners and confetti. The ballroom has been completely transformed. All the old furniture has been removed from the room and the walls are laden with decorations. One wall holds a large clock and a banner reading 'Bring on 1994!' above it.

"I think we're done. You can go get ready now Prongslet." Sirius joins her in admiring their work.

"Finally." She jokes, running to her room to find Draco dressed in a suit. "Well don't you look hot."

"I always look hot darling." He walks past her and out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Honestly his ego is suffocating." Chesca mumbles. Going to her wardrobe, she pulls out the outfit Narcissa helped her choose in muggle London.

She does her make up with a smoky eye and deep red lipstick, then putting Dutch braids in her hair

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She does her make up with a smoky eye and deep red lipstick, then putting Dutch braids in her hair.

"Sis? Dan's family are here." Harry knocks on her door.

"Thanks." She opens the door to head downstairs.

"You look great." He smiles at her.

"You look a mess." She does his top button up and ties his bow tie correctly.

"Thanks." He rolls his eyes. "So, Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony actually invited loads of people for the party later."

"Really? I thought it was just us, the Weasleys, the Howells, the Lesters and the Grangers?" She furrows her brows.

"So did I. There's people from their Hogwarts years coming. And people from work." He explains.

"That's why he wanted a really big room. I suggested the formal living room but he wanted something bigger. I've not got a ball worthy outfit." She groans.

"Don't worry, it isn't a ball. It's still a party just in the ballroom and more people." Harry reassures her, offering her his arm. She loops her arm through his and they make their way to the formal living room.

"Look at our babies! They're all grown up." Sirius whines, hugging them.

"He's not. I had to do his button and tie." Chesca giggles.

"That doesn't surprise me." Remus admits.

"Hey!" Harry protests.

"You're very much your dads child, he never could. I'd always have to do it until Lily came along." Remus has a reminiscent look in his eye.

"Well then you can bully me about it all you want." Harry laughs sadly.

"No! No being sad. It's New Year's Eve! HI DAN!" Chesca bounds over to him, hugging his from behind.

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