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-Lily's POV -

Halloween. My least favourite time of year. The 12 year anniversary of my parents death. I wake up in my bed, Dray's arms around me. He's awake, watching me but I lay with my eyes shut.

"I know you're awake." He says. I don't move.

"I don't want to move. You know what day it is Dray." I groan into his chest.

"Yeah, I do. It's the day of our first ever Hogsmead date." He smirks. I jump out of bed and shoo him from my room.

'WAKE UP!! I need you to send Hermione and Ginny down to me.' I shout into Harry's head.

'Oi! I was sleeping.' He complains.

'I don't care, it's urgently important.' I tell him.

'They're coming, meet them outside your common room. You owe me.' He replies, clearly annoyed. I run out of the common room and drag the girls in. I run into my room to find Dray asleep on my bed. Sly git.

"Okay, we need to ignore him. I have my first date with him today. Help me!" I whisper shout. They go over to my wardrobe and rummage through my clothes. It's a cold day today so I'm praying they don't choose a dress. They turn around with some black skinny jeans, Dray's Slytherin-green t-shirt he gave me and a black leather jacket. I grab underwear and put the fresh outfit on in my bathroom and walk out so they can do my hair and accessories. Ginny sits me down on the bed and brushes my hair. She puts it in two French plaits with two little strands of hair left out at the front. She curls them with her wand. Hermione comes over with my moon earrings from my 11th birthday, my snake ring from Dray and a green bandana for my hair. It works perfectly. I always wear my 'Potter' necklace so I don't need to worry about that. I look at my feet and Ginny runs to my wardrobe and pulls out some black trainers. They go perfectly. Ginny wakes Dray while I hide in the bathroom with Hermione and he leaves. Ginny pulls me back out and does my makeup. She does my eyes green and silver and a black lipstick. She obviously does foundation, contour, highlight, bronzer, mascara and that; she did them first. I smile and look in the mirror. I'm ready.

"Perfect." Ginny smiles.

"Thanks guys!" I smile at them. They give me a thumbs up and guide me out to the common room. I shoo them out just as Dray walks out. His jaw drops. I walk over and close it for him. "You're catching flies."

"I didn't think it was possible for you to look so... badass." He laughs. "I love it. It suits you." He smirks.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." I smirk. He's wearing some black jeans, a Slytherin-green t-shirt and a black leather jacket. He's wearing the same thing as me. I laugh.

"What?" He asks.

"We match." I laugh. He realises and joins in on my laughter. I take his hand and drag him to the great hall for breakfast before we leave. We sit down and he hands me two slices of toast. I look at him and eat them.

'Why are you matching?' Harry asks.

'It was an accident. We're going on a date today. Don't interfere. Ginny and Hermione will have your head.' I warn him. He nods.

"Let's go Lils." Dray says, holding out his hand for me to take. I pout.

"I'm tired." I look up at him. He shakes his head at my childishness and picks me up. We go to the common room to grab our stuff. I grab the cute little black backpack the girls got out for me. It has my money, the marauders map and a book in it. I grab my wand and permission slip and he carries me out to the courtyard where Filch is collecting our forms. We hand him ours and he snatches them from us. I scowl at him. We all set off behind Filch and once in Hogsmead we all go our own ways. Dray puts me down and gestures for me to get on his back. I jump on and we go into Honeydukes. I jump off him and run around like a little child. I get chocolate frogs, sugar quills and plenty of chocolate cauldrons. I pay for them and go find Dray.

"I wanted to buy yours." He huffs.

"No chance, Dragon boy." I smirk. He pays for his stuff and we leave. I jump on his back again and we go to the three broomsticks. He orders 2 butterbeers and sits us in a booth. I huddle up to him, sharing his body heat, until our drinks come. I sip on mine while we chat about the most random stuff. We finish at the same time and just sit and chat for a bit.

"Zonkos?" He asks. My face lights up. I run from the pub and into the joke shop. I select many different things and pay. Dray comes over and frowns. I just poke his nose and wait for him. We leave hand in hand and walk back to the castle. We flop on my bed and stay there in silence for a bit. I get bored and go over to my desk. I'm writing to Padfoot.

Dear Padfoot,

How are you? Are you okay? I need to know. I'm stressing out too much.

Dumbledore keeps talking badly about you at meals so I flip him the finger. It's quite funny. Of course Moony catches me and tells me to stop but I don't. I miss you. A lot.

I went on my first ever date today. With Draco Malfoy. He's my boyfriend. He's also the one who has been keeping me sane while you've been gone. I'm struggling. I need you.

Stay safe.

Lily.  X

I roll the letter up and tie it with a piece of string. Dray smiles at me. He read it over my shoulder. I drag him to the owlery and choose one of the school owls. I tell it who to give the letter to and it flies away. I hope he's okay.

We go down to dinner and Dray chooses my food, as usual. I eat it all and most of my pudding. He kisses my head and carries me back to the common room. I change into my pyjamas and crawl into bed with Dray and fall into a deep sleep.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

- P 🖤

Francesca PotterWhere stories live. Discover now