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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

- 20th December 1996 -

- Chesca's POV -

The weeks passed and Christmas made its mark upon the castle. Every corner of the castle was covered in Christmas decorations as usual. Draco has teased me in every classroom we've been in together now and finished the job the same night, but never made a move. It's driving me insane. I've grown to feel so incredibly guilty over my actions towards Draco causing the number of small lines across my arms to climb. The lines were getting bigger and my arms becoming numb to it.

'Chesca, go change and meet us at Uncle Moony's office.' Harry says into my head, disturbing my reading. I change into a pair of black jeans, Draco's quidditch hoodie and some black trainers. I pull my hair up into a messy ponytail and stick my wand in between the scrunchie and my head. Grabbing my galleons, just in case, I head to the office.

"There you are." Uncle Padfoot squeezes me in a hug, accidentally hurting my fresh cuts from the morning.

"Can you get off, it hurts." I wriggle from his grasp, causing him to look at me confused.

"It never usually does. And you never let go first." He raises and eyebrow at me.

"I'm just all bruised from quidditch." I lie, hoping they'll buy it.

"Ah okay, sorry. Have you been making them train hard?" Sirius tugs a strand of my hair.

"No, we've had the pitch for the last-" Harry starts.

"Yes, extra super hard. They can't catch a break." I give him a death glare.

'You're doing it again aren't you?'

'Don't tell?'

"Check her arms." Harry deadpans.

"What? My arms are fine?" I lie, pulling a confused face.

"Don't bullshit me, arms." Harry holds his hand out.

"I said, my arms are fine Harry." I hiss slightly, my cat animagus seeping in.

"Then show us. Go on." Harry gives me a look.

"Come on cub, he's right." Uncle Moony sighs, already knowing the outcome.

"No chance." I try to bolt from the room but Uncle Padfoot grabs me by my waist, sitting me on the seat. "That's not fair. Let go of my arm Harry!"

"Chesca!" Uncle Padfoot gasps and they lift my sleeves, revealing the blood stained bandages.

"They weren't bleeding until you hugged me, well done." I pull my sleeves down and storm from the room, leaving them all stood there in shock.

"Lily, you look mad. What's wrong?" Sev tries but I just stomp away.

"Don't let her go any further!" Padfoot yells at Sev who joins in the chase. I start running but don't notice someone stood in front of me and I bump into them, falling backwards onto the floor.

"Lils?" Draco furrows his brows.

"Not now, I'm running from-" But it's too late, Uncle Padfoot grabs me and picks me up, walking back to the office despite my kicking.

"Kicking me won't get you very far." He mumbles.

"If I kick you hard enough you'll let me go." I seethe, not letting the sadness overcome me. We get into the office but I don't stop kicking him.

"Prongslet stop!" His voice is stern.

"No, you can't stop me from walking away." I kick him harder but Moony grabs my feet.

Francesca PotterWhere stories live. Discover now