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- Lily's POV -

Our Christmas dinner was demolished hours ago and now we are all curled up in sleeping bags and a ton of pillows under the starry roof of the great hall. Everyone is asleep apart from Dray and I.

"You know, I love this. Just laying here like one big happy family." Dray admits while I lay on his chest and he plays with my hair.

"We are Dragon. We are one big family, we stick together and look out for one another." I smile into the stars. "Look, it's your star brother!"

"You're weird. I love it." He chuckles while looking at the Draco constellation on the roof. I feel his entire body shift into a state of relaxation and I know he's asleep. My mind wonders to the first time I met him.


I've had an argument. A big one. It's Harry's fault. So I'm going to sneak out to cool off. I grab the floo powder and use the network to go to the leaky cauldron. I fly out the fireplace and land on my bum. Ow.

"Here, let me help you." I hear a cold voice say. I look up to find a boy. His hair was gelled back to his head and he has these piercing blue eyes. He's cute. I take his outstretched hand and he helps me onto my feet, brushing muck off my back.

"Thank you. I'm Francesca, Francesca Lily Potter." I smile.

"Any time. I'm Draco, Draco Lucius Malfoy." He smiles.

"Malfoy? You're a Malfoy? That's so cool." I giggle.

"Cool? Nobody has ever called me cool for being a Malfoy before." He looks at me questioningly.

"Hey, my uncle is one of your mums cousins. Sirius Black ring a bell?" I ask. His face lights up.

"Yeah! Mum talks about him sometimes but he defected so she was forced to hate him. She doesn't really... my dad just forces her to." He sighs.

"Oh. That's sad. Why are you here then?" I ask.

"My dad wouldn't stop shouting at me. I was being nice to our house elf and he didn't like that." Draco shakes his head in disappointment.

"We have a house elf! He's called Kreacher but my uncles or brother are never nice to him, only me." I roll my eyes.

"Ours is called Dobby. He's very cute." He smiles. "So, why are you here?"

"My brother told my uncles that I was being nice to Kreacher and my uncle Sirius wasn't happy with him being treat fairly so I threw myself on the floor and had a tantrum. Kicking and screaming until they told me to go to my room so I stormed away and came here." I shrug.

"That's amazing. You seem like such a cool person. Wanna be my best friend?" He giggles nervously.

"Yeah it would be my pleasure." I smile. We link arms and walk towards Knockturn Alley. "Are we supposed to go down here?"

"Yeah. It can be dangerous but everyone is scared of my family so they won't touch us hun." He smirks.

"Hun? That's my nickname now then I guess?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yes. But I'm the only one who can call you it. Promise?" He hold out his pinky.

"You've never met me before. I do middle finger promises." I put my middle finger up at him and he laughs, linking his with mine. "Better. You're learning. I'm very weird."

"Yeah but you're my weirdo soooo...." He whispers, hoping I won't hear. I nudge him in the side and smile at him. We continue walking into the darkness of the night, talking about anything and everything.

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