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- Sirius' POV -

I need to get them. I HAVE to have them. James wanted me to be the one who became responsible for them if anything happened to him and Lily and that is what I shall do. I aparate back to my house in London, grab my glorious boyfriend Remus by the hand and floo to Dumbledore's office in Hogwarts.

"Albus! You have to let us have them! It's what James and Lily wanted. PLEASE!" I shout as we appear in his office.

"Uca Pafoo!" Harry and Francesca shout at the same time from Hagrid arms. At that moment a distressed looking Snivellus bursts through the door.

"Lily-Lily. Albus what?? How? Why? I- oh" he stops when he sees us stood here and the infants in Hagrid arms.

"Severus, it is true." Albus says, surprisingly calm. "Mr Black, Mr Lupin, I am aware of you being their godfathers but I am unsure as to wether you can handle them both." He explains. How dare he?!

"For your information Albus, we have looked after them multiple times before AND are fully capable of caring for them!! I would like you to know that we promised James and Lily that we would look after them with everything we have if anything happened to them. We NEED to care for them." I pleaded.

"If you wish. If you say you can care for them then it must be true but promise me that on the full moon you will bring them here to me so you can be together?" He asked. My face lit up at the information he just gave us.

"Yes, YES we promise!!!" I ran forward to Hagrid and took Harry from him while Chesca was reaching for Remus. He took the infant in his arms and she almost immediately drifted into a deep sleep. I was melting at the sight. "Goodnight Albus, and thank you!" I shouted before flooing home. Remus placed Chesca in the pillow nest we have for when they have sleepovers and I do the same with a now sleeping Harry. I make a mental note to go shopping for them tomorrow and dive into the warmth of my bed, falling asleep immediately.

- The Next Day -

- Remus' POV -

I wake to the sound of cries coming from the pillow nest next to our bed so I untangle myself from Padfoot and scoop both babies up. I place them on the bed and wake Sirius.

"Wake up handsome. You have a couple of visitors." I say in his ear, causing him to stir and realise what I mean. He chuckles and gets himself dressed for the day... that was too easy. It usually takes AGES to wake him up.. weird. I go down stairs into the kitchen to start on breakfast and Sirius soon joins me with both babies in his arms. He's so adorable.

"What do you want?" I ask him. He just shrugs his shoulders so I sigh and make pancakes. I know Harry likes them so it's all okay. I begin to make Chesca's milk (she is a VERY slow developer so she is only just learning to crawl and can not eat solids. However she can say muma, dadoo, uca pafoo (Uncle Padfoot) and uca mooee (Uncle moony) unlike Harry who can walk already and eat solids and he has teeth whereas she hasn't got any. She is also very small to say she is one year old; she still wears age 6 month clothes.) and grab the bottle we have for her here.

"Uca mooee" Chesca babbles while reaching her arms out towards me and making grabbing motions with her hands.  I take her from Pads and continue making pancakes with one hand.

"We need to go shopping for them today." Pads says while trying to make Harry sit still on his lap.

"Yep, yep we do. Please please please don't spoil them Pads" I beg him.

"You and I both know I can't do that. They are my god children and I will spoil them to death." He replies with a smirk on his beautiful face. I groan in annoyance and place his plate of pancakes in front of him and go back for Harry's. I grab Harry's cut up pancakes and give him a piece before sitting down to feed Chesca her bottle and eat my cut up pancakes. Sirius is finished first, obviously, and he goes to make some coffee. He places my cup down before going to collect our muggle money.

"Mo mo!" Harry shouts so I pass him another piece of his pancake. I sit and continue to feed Chesca and Harry when Padfoot comes bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Can we go now?" He asks while grabbing a cloth to wipe Harry while I magic all the dirty dishes into the sink.

"Yes, I suppose. Let me get mine and the kids coats first." I say while I walk up to our room, grabbing my grey coat, Harry's blue dinosaur one and Chesca's pink bear one. I put Chesca's on her, put my own on and throw Harry's at Padfoot, who puts it on him. We walk outside to a dark alleyway and apparate to a muggle baby shop called 'babies R us'.

We buy 2 white cribs, a baby carrier for Chesca, 2 highchairs (one for when Chesca is older), a double 3-in-one pushchair for them both, a baby bouncer for Chesca, a backpack with a 'lead' on for Harry when we go out, some baby bottles, tons of clothes for them both, nappies in both their sizes, shoes for Harry, letters to go on their bedroom doors, some wall decorations for their rooms, blankets, pillows, car seats for the muggle car we are getting, a changing bag, a car seat cover for Chesca, a rock'n'play for her and some other bits and bobs.

We go home and set up their bedrooms while they nap in their nest. We paint their walls and put several decorations on them. Padfoot uses magic to put the cribs together while I do the wardrobes and drawers. I organise their clothes inside them while Pads puts the pushchair together. We finish decorating with all the things we bought and we love the rooms.

Chesca's Room:

(Instead of the rocking bassinet there is a white armchair with the blanket and pillow from the picture on it and the picture frame above has "Francesca Lily Potter" on it in gold lettering

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(Instead of the rocking bassinet there is a white armchair with the blanket and pillow from the picture on it and the picture frame above has "Francesca Lily Potter" on it in gold lettering.)

Harry's Room:

(There is also a frame above his crib that says "Harry James Potter" on it in navy blue lettering

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(There is also a frame above his crib that says "Harry James Potter" on it in navy blue lettering. And there aren't any flowers, just the plant.)


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it took so long to upload, I've been rather busy. Just a reminder that I own nothing but my own content, the rest belongs to out queen JK Rowling :) Thanks for reading.

- P :)

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