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- 3rd Person POV -

There is a mess of blonde and ginger as Lily and Draco tumble out of the fireplace. The two remaining marauders and Narcissa stand nearby, laughing at the duo.

"Shut up." Lily grumbles.

"That was hilarious. Honestly, you two should fall out of fireplaces more often." Sirius laughs. Lily decides to mess with her uncle.

"I've really hurt my wrist. I think it's broken." She puts on a fake face of hurt.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? Come here. Let me see. MoOnY gEt My WaNd." Sirius panics, rushing towards the ginger.

"Got you. That's what you get for laughing at me." Lily smirks.

"I will get you back for that. I swear." Padfoot grumps.

"Yeah yeah, sure." She waved him off. "Narcissa, lovely to see you again."

"And you, now come on, I've got some photo albums to show you." She hugs the ginger and takes her hand, leading her from the room.

"Mum noooo." Draco whines.

"Don't you worry, there's plenty we have to show you." Moony pats Draco on the shoulder.

"Moony!" Lily warns him.

"No, we definitely won't. Marauders word." Padfoot places a hand over his heart.

"So basically you're going to show him. Great." She walks off with Narcissa.

"So, we'll start with this one." Cissa pulls a big leather bound book out from one of her drawers.

"Oh Lord. I'm going to have some serious teasing material, I can tell." Lily grins evilly.

"Yes, yes you are. This one was just after he was born." The woman points to a photo of a chubby little baby wrapped in a blanket.

"Look at his little blonde tuft." Lily coos.

- The Next Day -

Lily wakes up tangled in Draco. Carefully, she removes herself from his limbs and goes down to the kitchen wearing his t shirt and a pair of his boxers.

"Morning." She greets Moony and Narcissa.

"Morn-" Remus drops his toast.

"You see to be wearing the wrong clothes..." Narcissa eyes her.

"At least I'm wearing clothes. I wasn't last nigh-" She is cut off by Remus.

"You better have been!" He growls.

"If it eases your mind, yes I was." Lily jokes.

"Francesca Lily Potter, I swear to Merlin-" Remus strides towards her.

"Okay okay, I wore this to bed, I swear." She holds her hands up in surrender.

"Good." Narcissa goes back to her coffee. Draco emerges in the doorway with no top on.

"Why'd you leave me?" Draco pouts.

"Because I'm hungry." She shrugs, stealing the new piece of toast Remus just made.

"Hey! Oh for goodness sake." He grumbles.

"I'm cold now." Draco frowns.

"Then put a top on." Lily suggests.

"You've got it." He pokes her shoulder.

"Oh yeah. Well put a different one on then." She turns to walk back up to her room, Draco hot on her tail.

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