two ; remember

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Harper could feel the frustration pouring off of her two best friends and it was starting to irritate her like nothing else.

From where Scott and Stiles sat in their seats in front of her, their eyes remained not on the TV at the front of the room but on the clock above it. Stiles drummed his slender fingers across the wooden desk while Scott restlessly tapped his foot against the floor, waiting for the day to end.

She understood why they were so anxious to go to Alex's supposedly abandoned house, however, they were being utterly distracting to the Empath. Scott had brought the blue glass to Mrs Finch, their AP Biology teacher, where she had told him that there was no way a gun would have changed the colour. It sparked Harper's interest too, but not enough for her to fail her senior year like they were going to at this rate.

The two teenage boys had already been caught by Mrs Martin trying to sneak out of school earlier in the day.

Harper's mind managed to wander elsewhere. She pulled her camera out of her bag, quietly scrolling through it underneath the table. The English girl studied all of the candids that she had been taking of students for the past week. The yearbook ones were coming out fine, but she needed way more natural photos and it was starting to stress her out.

Abruptly, the school bell began to ring, making everybody jump up- two boys particularly quicker than the rest. Stiles flung his backpack over his shoulder before whirling around to face the girl in the seat behind him. Harper raised her eyebrows at him, carefully placing the camera into her bag as securely as she could.

"Come on, we don't have all day," he huffed, grabbing her wrist and starting to pull her out of the classroom, Scott right behind them.

Harper stuck her feet to the floor once they reached halfway down the hallway, making them both stop and shoot her annoyed expressions. The brunette ignored their burning gazes, reminding herself not to give in to the peer pressure that was due to come any moment now.

She cleared her throat confidently. "I have to take more pictures of after-school clubs and things for the yearbook. I didn't realise I'd be so busy today. I'm sorry."

"Can't someone else do it?" Scott questioned, making Stiles nod eagerly in agreement.

They scanned the hallways as if searching for a random student to shove the camera on. Harper rolled her eyes.

"Just go without me," she insisted, "you don't really need me."

Stiles' eyes softened like he had taken her words to heart. The way her boyfriend had reacted made it look like she had told him that they didn't need him- not the other way round. Harper knew that it had something to do with how he was having to accept that the group weren't going to be with each other soon and that Beacon Hills didn't need them anymore.

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