seventeen ; og pack member

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( season six b ! )

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( season six b ! )

og pack member.

Harper Verum was experiencing a mixture of emotions, which, for the Empath, was nothing new.

It had started as soon as she drove past the 'WELCOME TO BEACON HILLS' sign, the sensation of dread finding an unwanted home in the pit of her stomach. Her hands had been clammy as she gripped the steering wheel, pleading with herself not to have a breakdown when she was so close to finally arriving home.

The journey back had been a long one. Without Stiles Stilinski by her side, she'd been forced to listen to her CD's on repeat alone, somehow becoming bored of The Neighbourhood. It just didn't feel right to sing along when it wasn't with him.

Saying goodbye had been one of the hardest things both Harper and Stiles had ever had to do. He didn't want her to leave and she certainly didn't want to return home without him. However, they'd managed to pull away eventually- just not with dry eyes. They promised to call every single day.

So then came the feeling of relief.

Being back at the McCall household with her two foster brothers made her feel better. Isaac Lahey and Scott McCall had Chinese takeout on the table as soon as she got home, knowing exactly what dishes to get to make her smile. Despite being exhausted from all of the travelling, she'd managed to stay up until four in the morning with them, watching Marvel films and laughing.

Harper was also excited.

The thought of heading off to RISD in a couple of days gave her butterflies. Of course, the brunette worried she wouldn't make friends or she'd end up hating it, but the bigger part of her knew that this was what she had always wanted. She wanted to take her art to a new level and this was it. Rhode Island School of Design. The third biggest art school in the world.

Another plus side to the college was that it was closer to George Washington University than Beacon Hills. It was still a ten-hour drive, but it meant that she and Stiles wouldn't be as far apart. They'd probably be able to see each other some weekends too. It was just going to be tough since the longest they'd ever been separated was three months and that was because of the Wild Hunt.

It had been four days since she had dropped Stiles to his school and Harper was in the middle of packing. Half of her wardrobe had been taken apart, her art supplies all boxed and the possessions she couldn't live without with them.

"Denim jacket, denim jacket," she murmured under her breath, searching for the item of clothing she wore with almost every outfit during high school.

The brunette looked under her bed, her bottom lip poking out into a pout when she realised it wasn't there. After searching high and low in her room, Scott's room and Isaac's room, she suddenly remembered exactly where she had left it.

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