five ; stiles stilinski

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stiles stilinski.

It seemed that the whole pack had endured a sleepless night, tossing and turning as they tried to remember somebody named 'Stiles'. Harper had gone through all of the photos on her pinboard, making two separate piles. One pile was for pictures that were fine, but the other pile was filled with pictures that she thought the mysterious boy should have been in.

'Stiles' made up a lot of them, leading her to believe that they had been extremely close before he had been taken by the Ghost Riders. It was when she saw one where she was kissing thin air that confirmed her suspicions. 'Stiles' had been more than just a friend, and she knew that she had been in love with him.

Whatever Lydia and Harper had was unofficially over. Neither of them felt comfortable knowing there was someone out there that Harper was in love with, but they had yet to talk about it.

Currently, Harper and Scott both had a free period, so they were using it to their advantage. They sat around the brunette's laptop in the library, trying to find something- anything.

"Type in 'Stiles'," Scott recommended, "it might come up with something."

Harper did as she was told, her dainty fingers dancing across the keyboard. She hit enter once she had typed the five letters, leaning back to scan the screen. The dictionary definition of 'stile' came up, making her huff.

"'Stile'," Scott read out loud, "'an arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals, to climb over a fence'."

His eyebrows pinched together as he glanced at Harper. She'd already dropped her head into her hands, shaking it.

"Steps," she scoffed mockingly, "that's all that comes up?"

"Well, the name 'Stiles' isn't exactly a popular one, is it?" A voice behind them retorted, causing the two best friends to swivel around in their chairs, "if anything, it should be a surname."

Isaac stood there with his arms folded across his chest, his blue eyes reading off of the screen. He'd been the first to make fun of the boy's name when they found out it was a 'Stiles' they were looking for, much to Harper's annoyance. She had no idea why she felt the need to defend him so much but guessed that it was due to whatever connection she had had with him in the past.

"Maybe Malia or Lydia found something?" Scott tried to brighten the teenage girl slumped over next to him.

"Malia's been taking a make-up test all morning," Isaac huffed, "and Lydia is... coming this way."

They glanced up, watching as the strawberry blonde moved over to their table and took the seat right in front of them. She released a stressed sigh, indicating that she had clearly found nothing on 'Stiles'.

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