three ; filling the void

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filling the void.

Something was off.

Harper knew that there was something wrong as soon as she woke up. It felt like she was forgetting something important, but she knew she had wrapped up on all of the yearbook stuff last night and her homework was tucked away at the bottom of her bag, ready to be handed in. Most likely, she was going to get to maths and realise she had forgotten her calculator or something.

Pushing open the doors to the school, Harper glanced around, her eyes looking for someone in particular. They landed on Liam, Hayden and Mason who were huddled around the werewolf's locker. They sent her waves and smiles, which she returned weakly.

A large hand clamped down on her shoulder, making her jump. She glanced up, finding Scott already beaming down at the shorter girl. Malia and Isaac appeared by her side a few moments later, though they hadn't arrived together, each coming from different sides of the hallway.

Before Harper could stress her concern to her friends, a pair of soft hands gently grabbed her arms, turning her to the side.

Plump lips attached themselves with hers, the taste of cherries infiltrating Harper's senses. The familiar scent of Lydia Martin filled her nostrils, causing a real smile to finally twitch on the corners of her lips.

"Hey, Lyds," Harper breathed, staring into her girlfriend's green eyes.

Lydia smirked, "morning, babe. What's up with the long face?"

The brunette's frown deepened. "I feel like I should have done something... but I can't remember what."

"Did you finish sending the yearbook photos to Mr Renton last night?"

"Hm?" The Empath mumbled, her face falling when she realised that she hadn't. She smacked her own forehead gently. "Ugh. I knew that I had forgotten to do something."

"Having an off day?" Her best friend, Scott, suggested, making her glance up at him and nod with a weary smile. "Yeah, I could hear you tossing and turning last night."

Harper bit down on her bottom lip, brows furrowing as she tried to recall whether she had had a nightmare or not. Scott didn't look like he was too bothered anyway, quickly turning to send his beta a wave from across the hall. Lydia linked her arm with Harper's as the bell rang.

"English time," she sang, making Harper exhale loudly.

Nothing felt right.


The couple sat around in Harper's bedroom. While Lydia lazily scribbled answers to the maths homework she had been given, Harper laid on her bed, unable to ignore the stress clouding her mind. There was a tight feeling in her chest like something wasn't right, yet she still was unable to put her finger on what. It made her want to scream, although not like the banshee at her desk would.

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