twenty-one; war is coming

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lmao so it's been three months. you'll probably need to skim over 6b again im sorryyyy

 you'll probably need to skim over 6b again im sorryyyy

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( season six b ! )

war is coming

Harper stood staring at her reflection in the mirror hanging on her bedroom wall, disappointed with what stared back at her. Her brown hair appeared duller than usual and purple bags hung underneath her eyes, making her look like she hadn't slept in a hundred years. Her dainty hand reached up, her fingertips ghosting over the bruising wrapped around her neck.

The dream had felt so real. So real that she'd actually woken with the injuries she'd earned from it. Her body wouldn't stop shaking, either. At first, she'd blamed having coffee at three am so she could stay up until Scott got back home safely, but it hadn't passed.

She felt sick.

Truth be told, Harper wished Stiles was home. She craved his strong arms around her small frame, wished she could hear his small sigh as he gently placed his chin on top of her head and pulled her into his chest as tight as he could without crushing her. Harper missed Stiles' smell, and what it felt like to receive random forehead kisses or be able to look beside her and instantly feel safe because he was there.

Her phone suddenly started to ring, causing her to practically jump out of her skin. She dove for the device which was hanging off the edge of her white bedside table, her heartbeat picking up when she saw his name across the screen and the same picture she'd had of him for the past three or so years. For a few moments, she felt alive.

Without even thinking, she accepted the call and pressed the phone to her ear.

"Stiles," she breathed, realising it had been well over a day since they had last spoken.

"H-Harper," he whimpered, and the brunette felt her blood run cold.

"Stiles! Are you okay?" Harper panicked as she listened to the sound of the duvet ruffling in the speaker.

All of the worst-case scenarios had entered her brain and were running around, pointing out every single 'what-if' and bad thing that had happened to Stiles before.

"Sorry if I woke you up," he sniffled, and Harper desperately wanted to admit that she hadn't slept in over twenty-four hours anyway. "I- I just- I had a nightmare."

Harper felt relieved that her boyfriend was in no physical danger, but her heart ached for him. She wished she was with him right now, so she could tell him everything was okay.

"Like- like those sleep paralysis ones you used to get?" The Verum girl asked, her eyebrows pulled down into a frown.

She heard a small sigh on the other end. "No. No sleep paralysis. I just... saw you."

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