ten ; return of theo

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return of theo.

They ended up not being able to find the little boy after a couple of minutes, their jogs slowing down to walking as they moved down the centre of the road, heads turning in all directions. Isaac quickly hissed, his hand smacking down on the person closest to him, who happened to be Harper, to alert them.

Everybody glanced in his direction, seeing a curtain shifting in the windows of a house. Scott, as the leader, moved first, heading up the pathway and to the door with confidence in his stride. Harper was right behind him, not knowing exactly what they were going to say to the boy once they finally found him.

The werewolf peeled open the door slowly, cautious as they entered the house. The furniture appeared old fashioned, the air thick. Harper followed behind him, wondering why every other house was empty apart from this one.

"Hello?" Lydia took courtesy in rapping her knuckles against the door. "Is anyone here?"

Isaac huffed when nobody replied, repeating louder with much more annoyance, "hello? Kid, we know you're here."

Harper smacked his arm, glaring up at him. "Yeah, that doesn't sound intimidating at all. I'm sure he's just going to come out and run straight into your arms."

The blue-eyed boy rolled his eyes, simply ignoring the English girl and her sarcasm. Quite frankly, Isaac didn't want to be in Canaan. The place was freaking him out and he could think of much better ways to spend his free time. But he knew exactly why he was here; he wanted to help his friends and Stiles.

"Visitors?" A woman gasped from in the living room, making Harper and Isaac both gasp out of fright.

Malia and Lydia shot them a look that said 'really?' as the duo clung to each other's arms. Harper peeled herself off of the much taller boy as she stared at the woman dressed in a dress with the ugliest pattern on it. She grinned wide, teeth and all.

"I can't believe we have visitors!" She began to approach the group of supernaturals, her tone showing nothing but excitement. She didn't even seem to acknowledge the fact that they had broken into her home.

"Oh, Caleb will be so happy to see you!" The woman stepped into the living room, her grin not faltering for a second. "It's been such a long time since he's had anyone to play with!" She paused when they said nothing. "Oh, you must be thirsty. Come on in and have a seat while I get you something to drink."

She did a little jog as she moved back towards the kitchen. The pack all began to move further into her house, though not without caution.

"Seriously, what is with her?" Malia whispered.

Lydia whispered back, "she's the woman I saw in the mirror."


The woman reentered the room once the teenagers were seated around her dining room table, a tray in her hand with six glasses on top. She beamed at them all as she set it down on the table in front of them.

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