twenty ; fears impact

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Only an hour had passed since the incident

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Only an hour had passed since the incident.

Harper sat on the couch in the living room, her legs pulled up to her chest and her chin resting on her knees. Malia sat half asleep next to her, her brown eyes straining to concentrate on the television in front of them. Some reality show from the early 2000s was playing, not particularly grabbing either girls' attention.

"How long do you think I'll be on house arrest for?" Harper murmured tiredly, lifting her head from her knees to look at Malia.

The werecoyote glanced over at her best friend, thankful for a distraction from the prissy girls on screen. "Until this whole thing blows over."

"Scott's being way too overprotective, I-"

Malia shrugged, "I think he's being totally reasonable."

Harper shot her a look as if to say 'why the hell aren't you on my side?'

"He is your brother, Harps. Plus, Stiles made him promise," Malia added the last sentence in a quiet mumble.

The Empath jolted almost spastically, "he told Stiles!?"

"No," Malia rolled her eyes, "Stiles made us all promise to look out for you before he left for college. But he told Scott he'd kill him if you so much as cried."

Harper's face held a look that suggested she wasn't surprised in the slightest. "Sounds like Stiles."

Saying his name made her miss him even more, even if they had only been apart for a week and a half. Knowing it would be weeks and weeks until she saw him next made her heart hurt even more, but she didn't say anything. Harper simply blinked and exhaled quietly, relieving herself of the sudden sadness that had washed over her.

Scott came bounding in from the back door, a short blonde girl following behind nervously. Malia and Harper exchanged glances and sat up, wondering who the girl was and why Scott was looking so panicked.

"Brett's missing," Scott warned them, "Lori told me she thinks it could be a hunter."

"A hunter?" Malia repeated bitterly, standing up, "after Brett?"

Harper's lips parted in shock, "do you think it's the same one that killed the Hellhound?"

"Brett's not dead," Lori spat at her.

"Hey," Malia growled, standing in front of the younger girl, "you want our help? Then you shut up."

Lori backed down from where her fangs had barred at Harper, clearly intimidated by the flashing blue eyes Malia was sending her. The Empath wasn't annoyed at Lori, though. She knew that the blonde had acted out of fear, not personal hatred.

"Isaac!" Scott yelled, the werewolf appearing by his side a few seconds later. "You're on Harper duty. Malia, come with us."

The tall boy's jaw dropped slightly as he looked between Harper and Scott. "I'm on babysitting duty? Seriously? Why can't Malia?"

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