sixteen ; road trips

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( season six a ! )

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( season six a ! )

road trips.

Harper watched with fond eyes as Stiles finished saying goodbye to his father who held obvious tears in his blue eyes, sad to see his son leave. After their tenth hug, Stiles came bounding over to the passenger seat of the car and threw the door open, climbing inside as he shot her a smile.

Sheriff Stilinski moved to her side of the door, his arms resting on the open window as he smiled at the two teenagers that had only been out of high school for a few months now. They'd spent the entire time together, either alone or with the rest of the pack, making the most of everything.

"Drive safely, okay, kids?" Noah patted Harper's arm which was stretched out onto the steering wheel. "Don't forget to call, and Harper, please, please, take your time on the way back."

The drive from California to Washington DC was going to be the longest that the duo had ever done. Google Maps said forty-one hours, but with breaks in between and stopping to sleep in motels, it was going to take longer than that. They planned on switching who was driving every few hours, but Harper would- unfortunately- be making the trip home alone.

"Of course, Noah," the teenage girl replied softly, "and don't worry, I'll get Stiles to his dorm in one piece."

"I know," he chuckled as he leant away from the window. "I trust you. I'll see you in a few days. And as for you," he looked to the hazel-eyed boy in the passenger seat. "I'll see you soon, son."

"Love you too, daddy-o," Stiles winked, making his father roll his eyes but chuckle in amusement.

Harper giggled, placing her key in the ignition. Her car rumbled to life, a lot smoother than the jeep which was currently parked in the driveway of the McCall household.

Noah waved as she pulled out of the driveway, Stiles doing the same. He looked back until he could no longer see his dad, the sheriff's figure nothing but a smudge in his vision. Despite knowing it would be a while until he saw his father again, Stiles allowed a grin to cover his face while he reached out and grabbed Harper's thigh, squeezing it.

"Our road trip starts now, baby!" He cheered, not missing her beaming smile as he reached for the aux cord and plugged his phone in. "Let me guess, The Neighbourhood?"


They'd been on the road for about five hours when Stiles began to notice Harper's enthusiasm had sizzled, her brown eyes bored onto the road and a straight expression on her face. The music had turned down from where they had been blasting it and singing alone down the highway a couple of hours ago.

"Getting tired?" Stiles asked, his hand moving back over to her leg.

As if the last word had triggered her, a small yawn escaped her lips that caused her boyfriend to chuckle. He knew that he would be able to drive longer than her, seeing as he had been driving for over a year longer than her.

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