eighteen ; the empath protector

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Harper was obeying the laws of the road as she drove back to the McCall household, her fingers impatiently drumming against the steering wheel beneath her hands

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Harper was obeying the laws of the road as she drove back to the McCall household, her fingers impatiently drumming against the steering wheel beneath her hands. The brunette had the radio playing quietly, impatient sighs coming from her slightly parted lips at the amount of time she was wasting.

The digital clock in her car confirmed that she only had two hours before she needed to be at the airport, much to her dismay. That meant she had less time than that to find her friends and get a little closure before leaving for the next chapter in her life.

Harper was nervous, to say the least.

Just as she started to reach to turn the radio up, a dark shape ran out into the road, immediately causing Harper to release a shriek. Her foot hit the brakes, her hands clutching the wheel as her car skidded to a stop.

The English girl's eyes were scrunched up as everything grew silent- too silent. She hadn't felt the impact of whatever had run out into the road, much to her relief. Slowly, Harper peeled her eyes open, finding nothing in front of the car.

She climbed out of the car, her phone clutched tightly in her hand just in case. Although, her friends had been ignoring her all day so if she called them when there was a real emergency she doubted they would actually answer.

"Hello?" Harper called nervously, moving to the front of her car where she found a man lying on his stomach in front of her.

He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of ripped shorts. The man lying on the road was covered in what looked like burn marks, groans coming from his lips.

"A-Are you okay?" Harper kneeled down beside him, hesitantly moving out to touch him. She hissed when her fingertips brushed his shoulder, finding that he was boiling hot. "I-I'm gonna go out on a whim and guess you're not human, yeah?"

Suddenly, the man lifted an arm, his palm smacking down onto the road beside him. Harper leaned back as he turned himself over, revealing his front. He had to be in his late twenties, a pained expression written across his face as his spare hand clutched his stomach.

The Empath's brown eyes trailed down, widening when she saw that his torso had been shredded by what looked like claws. Blood spilt from the wounds, drenching his large palms and coating his muscles. She stood up, stumbling back a little.

"Oh god, please tell me you're not the bad guy," Harper muttered, however, she didn't run- he was so weak he couldn't even stand.

Harper pulled her phone to her ear, praying that this time Scott would pick up.

"Come on, you bloody idiot," Harper cursed under her breath, watching with worried eyes as the supposedly supernatural man continued to groan around on the floor.

As expected, Scott's phone went straight to voicemail.

"Scott McCall, I am actually going to kill you. Genuinely, truly, actually going to murder you. I- I am stood in the middle of the road with some guy who should probably be dead by now, you know, judging by the freaking burn marks and scratches across his skin so call me back and tell me what to do because, for the hundredth time today, I have no clue what to do and I leave for college in two hours!"

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