four ; mischief

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"Has it really come to this?"

Lydia folded her arms across her chest, staring across the basement at Malia. The werecoyote had chained one of her wrists to a metal bar, but she couldn't reach to get the other. She stood with a deep frown on her face, looking just as confused as Harper had been feeling the past day or so.

The couple had been at their separate houses when they'd received the same text message from Malia, begging them to come down to the school and help her.

Malia ignored the strawberry blonde's comment. "Can you give me a hand?" She asked Harper and Lydia.

"If this is a new after-school club..." Lydia screwed her face up, sighing, "count me out."

"I've got a problem," Malia admitted, causing both girls to raise their eyebrows. "I'm growling at people in class. I'm clawing at my desk. I tried turning the floor of my bedroom into a coyote den."

Harper's eyes softened, watching as the girl raised her wrists where one chain was locked in place, done by herself. She couldn't get to the other one to lock it even if she tried.

"Do these look familiar to you?"

The brunette nodded, "yeah. They're what you always use on a full moon."

Malia huffed, "no, I mean, do you remember who got me these?"

That made Harper go quiet. Not a single memory of her chaining Malia to the basement of the school sprang to mind. She only remembered how she'd always bring the werecoyote snacks and then sit with her after she had calmed down. Harper hated to see Malia in such distress on full moons, but just like the Tate girl, she had no recollection of who had stepped in first.

"Malia, do you really think this is going to keep you safe?" Lydia cut in, gesturing towards the chains.

"They use to. Before the lake house, this is where I'd come for the full moon. But you weren't down here with me. Scott and Isaac weren't down here with me," she glanced over at Harper. "And yeah, I know you came down with me, but I was always tied up by that point."

"Right," Lydia stalled, "so..."

"Who was?" Malia finished her question.

"You couldn't have done it alone," the banshee agreed, seeing the distance that Malia's wrist would have to move while restrained.

It was impossible.

Harper was about to tell Malia that she had been having similar feelings of confusion when her phone buzzed in her pocket. She slid it out, finding a text message from Scott.

"It's Scott," she announced to the girls, glancing up at them nervously. "He wants us to meet him in the woods."


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