twenty-six; a banshee feeling

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( season six b ! )

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( season six b ! )

a banshee feeling.

Gold streamed through the windows, dancing across Harper's tan face and seeping behind her eyelids. Muttering some incoherent language under her breath, the eighteen-year-old shifted her cheek against her make-shift pillow, feeling him breathe steadily beneath her.

Eventually, she forced her eyes to flicker open, though they tried to resist the burning light. For the next few minutes, Harper lay in blissful silence, listening only to the small breaths that came from her boyfriend and the steady drumming of his heart.

Harper glanced up, studying Stiles' face for a moment or two. His button nose twitched a little, his thin lips pressing together as he released a sleepy sigh, his arm that was still wrapped loosely around her frame tightening ever so slightly. She couldn't help but smile, forgetting about everything else in her life that wasn't going right.

"Staring is rude, y'know," a deep whisper made the brunette gasp.

His broad chest vibrated from under her body where he started to laugh, bending down to press a kiss to the top of Harper's head. She lightly smacked his arm, playfully scolding him for making her jump.

"It's okay," Stiles hummed, his slender finger tracing patterns on her bare arm. "I'll let you stare 'cause you're so pretty."

Harper blamed the sun coming through the window for her cheeks heating up, however, she couldn't help but grin, nuzzling her face away from Stiles. He chuckled, his slender fingers absentmindedly reaching up to run through her dark hair. He parted a few small knots, feeling Harper's breathing grow steadier and her frame become less tense.

A small lump suddenly jumped on top of Stiles' stomach, causing him to groan out loud. Harper giggled and reached forward, her dainty fingers stroking through the ginger fur of Archie. Stiles rolled his eyes at the animal but rubbed his cheek anyway, smiling a little when he purred and began to settle in between the pair.

A door slamming from downstairs caused Archie to jump up, both teenagers freezing their movements. Harper quickly sat straight, jolting to get the covers off of her. Stiles had his hand on the small of her back, guiding her off of the mattress where they both scrambled to put shirts on.

"Scott?" Lydia's voice echoed from downstairs. "Harper? Isaac?"

They both relaxed slightly at the revelation that hunters weren't breaking into Harper's house but still rushed to move downstairs anyway. Harper was first down the stairs, her eyes widening when she saw Peter Hale stood in her living room, smirking at the strawberry blonde.

Stiles was right behind her, his face scrunching up at the sight. "What the hell is he doing here?" He questioned Lydia.

Peter rested his hands on his hips as he glared at the teenage boy. "It's rude not to address people when they're stood in the same room as you, Stiles."

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