twenty-eight; the end.

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( season six b ! )

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( season six b ! )

the end.

21:01 PM 12 JANUARY 2020

By the time Harper Verum had snapped out of the trance she was in, she'd found herself back at the high school. Everything surrounding her was dark under the pitch-black skies, except the doorway which had been lit up by fluorescent light.

She shivered in the cold, her dark brown eyes searching wildly around for any signs of her boyfriend. He seemed to be nowhere, his blue jeep not parked in the carpark a few feet away. Somehow, she'd managed to get here alone- and she wasn't sure why here of all places.

The Verum girl reached her hand out and pushed open the door, memories of her time here coming flooding back. From here she could see the lockers where she'd first introduced herself to Allison Argent, and the classroom doors where she'd spent countless hours messing around with her best friends Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall.

However, she could also see the body of Derek Hale. A small gasp escaped her lips as the door slammed shut behind her, echoing throughout the silent building. She jogged towards the statue of the man, her fingers brushing his arms which were just as cold as actual stone.

"No, no, no," she couldn't stop the tears from welling in her eyes, "Derek, no."

She didn't realise how much she truly cared about him until now. In fact, Harper was so concentrated on the man in front of her that she didn't realise she could feel the fear emitting from his stone body, or wonder why the hell she'd seen the mist when she should be one hundred percent human again.

His eyes were wide open and Harper couldn't help but wonder what the fearless Derek Hale had seen in the first place. All of a sudden, the edges of her vision started to become blurry and she clung onto the man for dear life, sweat starting to cover her body. This was exactly how Malia Tate had described feeling when she'd seen the Anuk-Ite.

Harper scrunched her eyes shut as tight as she could, her heart in her throat as she dared herself to move away from Derek. She stumbled around in the darkness, her hands feeling for the lockers so she could hopefully navigate herself to one of her friends. She'd spent five years here, so she knew exactly where she was.

"Harper?" The brunette heard the whimper of her boyfriend and she froze in her tracks.

She swallowed, listening as he continued.

"H-Help," Stiles continued, releasing grunts of pain that made her heart hurt. "I think... I think my leg is stuck in something. I think I'm gonna bleed to death, Harps."

Despite her eyes been squeezed shut, a few tears managed to leak through, smearing down her cheeks and falling to the floor below. She knew this was a trick-- she hadn't even heard Stiles come through the main door, and he certainly would have been more frantic and less sad than this.

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