fifteen ; not those same kids

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not those same kids.

It seemed that everybody was ready for the bell to ring; everybody except for Stiles Stilinski.

The shrill sound indicated the end of an era, the noise making the steady thumping of his heart skip a beat. Excited murmurs came from all around him as teenagers filed from their seats, heading as quickly as they could for the door.

"Have a great summer, everyone," Mr Croft called happily, "to the seniors, I'll see you at graduation."

Scott turned and slapped his hands excitedly on Lydia's desk, the Banshee grinning back at him as she did a drum roll on top. Harper, who was sat next to Stiles, watched as his face fell, his hazel eyes wide as they stared at the teacher incredulously.

"Thank god!" Isaac exclaimed, rolling his neck back and making it crack.

However, Stiles wasn't having any of it.

"No," he muttered, turning to the rest of his friends, "no, no, no, no. That's it? What?"

Scott grinned, his dark eyes bright as his gaze flickered over to the Stilinski boy, not noticing the pessimistic look on his face. The werewolf's pearly whites were on display, the skin around his eyes wrinkling from where he was smiling so hard. He looked like the human equivalent of an excited puppy.

"Last day ever!" Scott wiggled his eyebrows at him.

Stiles frowned, "well, it just feels so anti-climactic."

"Well, there's the whole graduation thing," Lydia reminded him, "and we had prom last week- you liked that."

The hazel-eyed boy's lips twitched into a half-smile as he recalled the event. He'd spent more than half of the night dancing with Harper, the two of them either looking like complete idiots or slow dancing. Every night since then he wished he could go back and do it again.

"I've got to go to summer school or I can't do the whole graduation thing," Malia muttered bitterly from where she sat beside Isaac.

Scott quickly stood up, grabbing his bag. "Come on, let's do it."

Malia, Isaac and Lydia all followed in tow, not finding their last class to be as monumental as Stiles apparently was. The brunette to his left understood how he was feeling, not only because she was an Empath, but because she was sad that it was all over too.

"Come on guys, no," Stiles whined, watching as the door slammed behind them, leaving just himself and Harper sat in their desks beside each other.

There was a moment of silence as the two teenagers just sat there, facing the front where maths equations were scribbled all over the blackboard. Harper released a sigh, her shoulder sagging a little as she held onto the edge of her desk gently.

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