twelve ; emotional connection

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emotional connection.

"The tunnel gates locked!" Lydia called as she came jogging down one of the underground halls, her strawberry blonde locks flying all over the place. "Everything's locked."

Harper quickly pulled her into the room that the five teenagers had picked and closed the door behind her, using all of her upper body strength to twist the lock shut. Seeing her silent struggle, Isaac reached out and moved it with one hand so it clicked shut. He sent her a smug look, causing her to glare.

Malia wandered over from where she had been securing any other doors around them. She wore a tire expression on her face, small pants escaping her lips.

"You think it will hold them off?" She looked between her friends.

"Probably not," Scott shook his head.

"Definitely not," Isaac grumbled with Lydia jabbing her thumb in his direction to show that she agreed.

Malia huffed, "you guys aren't hoping I'm going to be the optimist, are you?"

"Nope," Harper forced a strained smile, "that's me."

The pack's eyes slowly all shifted over to the freezing machine that Lydia mentioned Parrish had been in last year during the whole Beast issue. Scott walked over to it, everybody else following in tow.

"So, how cold does this thing get?" He questioned the Banshee who had the only experience with it.

"Cold enough for a Hellhound," Lydia responded, "it's not the same as the ice bath that you had, Isaac, but it can lower your core temperature past anything a human can survive."

Malia shook her head, "so what does freezing our asses off have to do with our memories?"

"It'll slow your heart rate and put you in a trance-like state."

"Like hypnosis," Isaac added.

"Hypnotic regression," Lydia muttered, "if we can figure out how to work it..."

Everybody scanned the screen, Malia pointing to a green button that read 'start' and claiming that maybe it wouldn't be so complicated. Scott huffed, pointing out all of the other dials and buttons that covered the side of the machine.

Harper bit down on her bottom lip, "how much time do you think we need to do this?"

"Enough time as Liam and Stilinski can buy us," Scott answered, and with that he reached up, pulling the lock off of the door so that it swung open.

The coffin-shaped freezer made Harper feel uneasy as she stared it, wondering what was going to happen to Scott once she climbed in. All she knew was that she couldn't handle losing her other best friend if this was to all go wrong.

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