twenty-four; lose it all

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( season six b ! )

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( season six b ! )

lose it all.

A series of voices echoed as if she was underwater, none of which Harper seemed to remember. Her eyelids flickered open and she released a small groan under her breath, only now realising how stiff her neck was. She lifted her head from where it had been pressed against the desk, almost jumping in her seat when she discovered where she was.

"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome."

Harper's brown eyes grew wide, settling on the girl at the front of the room. Allison's curled hair was long and she had a small smile on her face, her slender fingers fiddling with the thin blue scarf wrapped loosely around her neck.

Harper was frozen in her seat as Allison moved over to sit in the seat behind Scott, and the shaggy-haired boy turned around to hand her a pen with a side of awkward smile. The brunette's heart was pounding and she turned around to see Stiles scribbling on his syllabus, but he was sixteen again. They all were.

"Harper, please come to the front of the room," their English teacher, Mr Bridge, called, and Harper's heart dropped.

What the hell was this dream?

She stood from her seat, and that's when she realised this wasn't like any other dream she'd ever had. She wasn't watching from the outside this time, she was in control. Harper was lucid dreaming.

Harper obeyed the teacher and moved to the front of the room, glancing up at the sea of faces. Suddenly, all of her peers' faces began to fade away, including Stiles' and Scott's. She jumped when they were replaced with the faces of everybody she had ever lost.

People such as Allison, Aiden and her own grandmother to Matt Daehler and her father and brother. They all just sat there. Staring. Not a single trace of emotion on any of their faces.

Harper turned back to face the teacher, eyes brimming with tears and a frantic look on her face. She ran a hand through her dark hair, realising it was no longer Mr Bridge but Stiles, or rather Void Stiles.

She released a humourless chuckle, "bloody hell am I tired of you popping up in my dreams."

Void was leaning against the desk behind him, his slender fingers drumming the wood as he chuckled quietly himself, shaking his head at her.

"Paene amissionis omnium damnato eligendum."

"What?" Harper breathed, taken aback.

Void repeated the phrase slowly, this time in English. "It means, little dove, 'on the verge of losing it all, the lost soul must choose'."

"C-Choose what?" Harper stammered, feeling the bile rise in the back of her throat as memories of Deaton explaining just how real her dreams could be filtered her brain.

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