Good evening people and welcome to the show

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Once NYD was finished and BVB was getting their clothes changed and war paint on. I looked at my watch and said: " let them in."

NYD was getting ready back at their bus. They had 2 hours yet. I walked up to the stage and took a deep breath and exhaled. I sat on the side of the stage and decided to eat my cupcake. I pealed the paper back and took a bite. It was chocolate with strawberry filling. The icing had white fluffy icing and red gel. It tasted so damn fucking good. I wiped my mouth and threw the paper away and drank some more of my tea. Sam fixed my lipstick. And I went to the restroom.

I returned back and went back to stand with her. I looked at the ever growing audience. People of all ages were arriving and they were in for a hell of a show. I asked how the meet and greets went with Ben and he said good. All of them were in good spirits and looked happy. I said good. I saw out from backstage NYD appear and stay hidden to get their monitors. I took off my headset and got my monitor in. I had a walkie talkie on my hip to keep in touch. 

I walked towards the front of the stage on the grass and stood there and lite my final cigarette. I threw the box away and inhaled deeply. Sam made a note on her pad to pick up some more before we headed out or on the road. I know I should quit but with this job and these guys, that is not going to happen here anytime soon. 

Sam and I saw Craig our bass tech come up towards us. I silently prayed that he was not delivering bad news. 

He came up and stood beside me and he was just wanting to talk about the concert. Nothing had been wrong. I sighed in relief and exhaled smoke. 

"Sam? Would you please since we have some time yet, run to the nearest gas station and pick up some more? Bring security with you. I do not want anyone attacking you." She nodded and left and grabbed Henry and Sebastian. 

I checked my time and asked about the status of my boys. 

"They are chilling for a while and getting something to eat. Andy is sober and Ashley is here and they are all ready to go." Ben said into my walkie talkie. 


The lights turned off and the audience roared. This was it.

"Showtime! It is go time!" I said as I went jogging back to the side of the stage. 

I saw the band go up there and they looked awesome. Ashley came up towards me and waited for her cue. I hugged her quick and she ran out there. I heard a massive roar as they started their set. 

Sam looked at me and I looked at her. We both sighed and started praying. I made my way back to the soundboard with Brandon and Mike at the helm. They saw me and side hugged me. I stayed there for the remainder of the night. 


NYD finished up and I said: "Good job guys! Very nice!" I heard Ashley make the announcement about BVB being up next and they would be out to meet and greet people. The audience roared. Good! They would do that while their crew was tearing down. All is going as planned. 

"Get my boys ready to go Ben. I want them backstage and ready to go in half an hour." I chirped into my walkie talkie.

"Roger that Ms. Tyler! They are on their way." He said

I smiled and sighed. 

I started making my way back up to the side of the stage. 


I saw the boys enter the arena and they looked good as always. Warpaint on and everything. Andy looked sober and pumped. Ashley looked pumped and their adrenaline was pumped. I looked and their crew had everything in place. 

"Lights out in three two one!" The lights turned out and CC came out with a tiny flashlight. Nobody saw him arrive. 

"CC is in position. Lets go! Its showtime!" 

I saw the guys make their way out towards the stage. I ran out to audience and nobody saw a thing. 


I ran back to the soundboard and I heard CC start kicking the drum. Lights flashed. "Slow down a bit CC. Space the kicks out a bit. " He did and I smiled. The audience roared and roared. The stage got dark and I waited to hear Andrew's signature scream. I heard it and as practiced the lights went up a blinding white and I heard a massive ear piercing scream. The audience was loving it.

I leaned against a tree and watched this show. It was impressive I must say. I managed to pull of an incredible start for these guys. And I could not be happier. 

I decided to go check on NYD meet and greet and see how that was going. 

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