Chapter 12: Harvesting

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(Omega)"I had WAY too much trouble with this part in particular!"

(Black Diamond's "Zoo")

If there's one thing an Agate loves, it would be making herself and others presentable for those ranking above her. One good example would be a certain Holly Blue Agate Black was given when starting his branch of the empire.

 One good example would be a certain Holly Blue Agate Black was given when starting his branch of the empire

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One day, a massive gray ship approached the station, and 2 "B-1" Droids let themselves in.

One day, a massive gray ship approached the station, and 2 "B-1" Droids let themselves in

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The inside was almost completely gray, opposed to the near invisible black exterior. Several Roaming Eyes sat in the docking bay, and a pair of Amethyst stood by the only door.

(Amethyst)"Hey look, a group of Clinkers, hehehe."

"Clinker" was a term used by some Gems when a Droid is around. Most take offense to this nickname.

(B-1)"Is she talking about us?"

(Other B-1)"I think so."

(B-1)"That's just not right! They're basically Droids, too!"

The Amethyst were about to point out the major differences, until a familiar face made his way through.

(SE-2006)"I fail to see the humor in my lovely machines."

(Amethyst)"O-Oh! General SE, we had no idea that you would be arriving!"


To stress out the Quartzes even more, Holly Blue had also entered the scene, looking quite irritated.

(Holly Blue Agate)"Why didn't you tell me General SE-2006 was coming here? What have you miscreants been saying to them!?

(Amethyst)"N-Nothing, Holly!"

(Holly Blue Agate)"You'll have to forgive them, they're from...ugh, Earth."

(SE-2006)"I could tell."

Earth was a sensitive topic to bring up nowadays. Many Gems called it, "Black's Greatest Mistake". Those who said such were immediately executed, and the title was never brought up again.

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