Chapter 6.2: Pink

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(Moon Base: Unnamed Planet)

Black Diamond and his Pearl oversaw the invasion of his current colony. Black-colored dropships landed on the surface, letting out dozens of Otons and Quartz soldiers lead by a Hessonite onto the native life, humanoid plant creatures resembling fungi.

 Black-colored dropships landed on the surface, letting out dozens of Otons and Quartz soldiers lead by a Hessonite onto the native life, humanoid plant creatures resembling fungi

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Black: Things are going well it seems. 25% of the organic life's been wiped out in just 10 weeks! The first three planned Kindergarten sites will be fully constructed and operational by the time they're all gone.

Pearl: My Diamond?

Black: Yes?

Pearl: I've just received a message. Pink Diamond has arrived, and has requested an audience.

Black: Pink? Ugh, what does she want THIS time??

Pearl: She didn't say. Would you like me to-

Pink: Black!

(Thaaaat's racist! *Ding!*)

???: M-My apologies for the sudden appearance, my Diamond!

Another Gem entered the base's observation room, this one being a Pearl. It's gemstone was placed on its abdomen, and its hair was formed into two buns.

Black: Hello Pink, what is it you wish to talk about today? I am quite busy at the moment

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Black: Hello Pink, what is it you wish to talk about today? I am quite busy at the moment.

Pink: I need to talk to you about my court!

Black: I see. That is a topic requiring much time, and I just said I am occupied. Go talk to Yellow or Blue about that.

Pink: I already did, everyone else is busy!

Black: Then you'll just have to wait.

Pink: C'mon, can't you just get one of those robots to do this?!

Black: ...*Sigh* Alright then. Pearl, have the Supreme Oton to oversee this planet for us, inform him of all future installations I requested.

Pearl: Understood.

Black: We can now talk.

The Diamonds went downstairs to the observation room, leaving the two Pearls as they began conversing.

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