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        Jack had his arm around my shoulders, and I had my arms around his waist. We were walking through the dinosaur exhibit at a museum just laughing and enjoying ourselves. We were walking by the giant T-Rex skeleton, when Jack stopped, took a step back, and removed his arm from around my shoulders. I was a bit confused so I turned around and looked at him inquisitively to see why he had done that; he had his arms pulled in close to his chest, making dinosaur arms, and he made a growling face, showing all of his beautiful teeth. I was laughing so hard, he looked ridiculous.

"What... are... you doing?" I managed to ask during my laughing fit.

"I'm a dinosaur! Grrrrr!" He said before he started walking towards me and attacking me with his little dinosaur arms. He started tickling me, he knew I was super ticklish.

"Staaaaaahp!" I was about to fall over, but he wrapped his arms around me be for I did.

"I hate you," I said teasingly, "you know I'm super ticklish, and that I hate getting tickled."

"Well you know that I love hearing and seeing you laugh," he said as he looked down at me in his arms. I looked back up at him, and he moved his arms from around my waist up towards my face; he cupped my cheeks and leaned in. HE'S ABOUT TO KISS ME! I thought, and then poof I was back in reality. That had all been just a dream.

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