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T, Viv, and I went backstage and sat down on a couch in the green room, while we waited for the guys to wrap things up with the meet and greet. Right after we sat down, we heard a down open and close, and saw a boy in a denim jacket walk down the hall towards us - it was Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan!" We all said.

"Well look at you guys with your backstages passes and all," he chuckled.

"Why weren't you doing the meet and greet?" Vivian asked.

"I needed to get some food." We all bursted into laughter.

"Of course you did," I said.

Right then we heard Jack and Jack tell the fans thanks and that the show would be starting soon. We hung out backstage for a while and then we were escorted to some seats in the balcony section to the side of the stage because we wouldn't be able to watch the show from backstage, and Jack didn't want us to get body slammed in the front row of GA.

I couldn't help but feel like not only Jack was singing to me tonight, Ryan seemed to have done it too; during his acoustic version of Hey LA, it totally felt like he was singing the chorus to me because we made contact and he smiled as he sang that first line.

After the show we went back to the backstage area to congratulate everyone for an AMAZING show. We talked to Jack and Jack, I even had the courage to give Jack a hug. And then Ryan came to talk to us as Jack and Jack were talking to someone else.

"Hey! Great job out there tonight!" I congratulated.

"Yeah, you were awesome!" Viv and T added.

"Well thank you!" Ryan replied, "So what are you ladies doing after this? If you aren't doing anything, maybe you'd want to hang out?" Ryan asked what appeared to be mainly me.

"Oh, uhm. T was actually going to show me around Campus, and then Viv and I are headed back to Portland in the morning."

"Aww well that's too bad. Well I'll be in Portland in a few weeks with Kalin and Myles for their tour, maybe we can hang out then?"

"For sure! Here let me give you my number and you can call me when you get into town!"

Ryan walked away and I looked around the room for Jack, but I guess he had more important people to talk to. We said goodbye to everybody else and headed back to our hotel.

** Jack's POV **

Y/N and I hung out for a bit backstage, she's a really cool girl. I didn't get the chance to get her number before the girls were taken to their seats, though. I looked up and sang to her a couple of times, once I even pointed at her before doing a body roll. I swear she got a few death glares, but I don't think she noticed. After the show the girls came backstage again. They congratulated us, and Y/N gave me a hug. And then I saw my parents so Jack and I went to talk to them; I saw Ryan go over and talk to them. My parents were headed out so I walked them out. When I got back inside, I looked around and didn't see the girls.

"They just left dude." Jack informed me.

"Damn it Jack! I missed my opportunity to get her number again!"

"I'm sorry dude, but if it's meant to be I'm sure you'll see her again."

** Your POV **

I was laying on the bed back at the hotel just thinking about the events of the day.

"Well that was quite the turn of events," I mumbled.

"What was?" T asked.

"I came on this trip totally focused on Jack, but I ended up giving my number not to Jack, but to Ryan," right at that moment I got a call from an unknown number, "I wonder who's calling me, it's probably Ryan."

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