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"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hey, Y/N?" It was Ryan just as I had suspected.

"Yeah! Hey Ryan, What's up?"

"Oh. Uhm. I was just making sure that you didn't give me a fake number because that would sure be a shame."

I laughed, "no it's me. I wouldn't dare give Ryan Beatty the wrong number, but I have to go if that's it."

"Yeah, Of course. Bye! Have a nice night."

"Bye Ryan, you have a good night too," I chuckled before hanging up.


We went to T's campus to check it out and then we went back to the hotel and called it a night because we had an early flight home in the morning.

"Hey! Y/N get up! We have to leave for the airport soon," Vivian screamed as she shook me awake.

I rolled over and looked at the clock, "it's 6am! We don't have to leave until like 8! It's not gonna take me 2 hours to put some sweats on for the plane ride home," I mumbled as I closed my eyes to go back to sleep.

"But I'm hungry! Let's go get breakfast," she cried as she was jumping on my bed.

I knew she wasn't going to stop until I got up so I finally gave in. I got up, showered, got dressed, and we left the room.


"I really hope nobody gets on the elevator because I'm starving!" Vivian whined just as the elevator stopped, "Oh great! Just my luck. It looks like they have a million bags, this is going to take forever!" she muttered as the doors were opening.

When the door finally opened all the way we saw who we were waiting for and I couldn't believe my eyes! It was Jack and Jack!

Oh crap! I thought to myself. I hadn't tried to look decent at all this morning. The plan was to just run down to the McDonalds around the corner, get food, and then bring it back to our room.

"Hey! Y/N!" Jack greeted.

"Hey Jack," I said to Jack G with a smile, "and Hi Jack," I said to Johnson before turning back to Jack.

"Have you guys been at this hotel the whole... wait never mind that was a stupid question... I can't believe we stayed at the same place!"

"That question was only kinda stupid, but I wasn't going to say anything about it until you mentioned it."

"Gee thanks," He chuckled, "you look tired."

I covered my face with my hands and mutter, "yeah, I know..."

"Oh stop it!" he said as he pulled my hands away from my face and down to my sides, "you still look great!"

I looked away blushing while Jack was still holding my wrists by my sides, "Thanks," I said with a smile as I looked back up at him.

We stood like that looking at each other until Johnson cleared his throat and asked why Viv and I were up so early. Viv told him about McDonald's and he asked if they could join. We gladly said yes. We waited for them to put their things onto the bus and then went and got McDonald's, but instead of taking it back to my room like I had planned, the Jacks got enough for everybody and invited us to the bus. We ate and goofed around with the guys and then we had to go back to our room to make sure we were all packed up and ready to go. Jack walked us back to our room. Right as he was about to say bye he got a text, he ignored it, but then a bunch of calls and texts came in, so he took out his phone. A look of gratitude washed over his face as he texted whoever it was back.

** Jack's POV **

I walked Y/N and her sister back to their room after breakfast on the bus with the guys. As I was about to say bye and leave their room, I got a text - I ignored it - but then my phone started to blow up. It was the guys.

Jack: You better not forget her number because I'm not gonna listen if you come back bitching about forgetting to get her number this time! lol JK, but DON'T FORGET TO ASK FOR HER NUMBER!!!!

Sam: Don't forget the digits!

Nate: Her number bro!!!

I was so grateful for those guys at that very moment.


"Oh! Before I forget. Again. Can I have your number?"

She just stood there for what seemed like an eternity. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but then she flashed that smile of hers.

"Of course you can Jack Gilinsky, I thought you'd never ask." I took out my phone and handed it to her. She typed in her number and then I think she took a selfie, and then handed the phone back to me.

"Thanks," I said rubbing the back of my neck with the biggest smile on my face. I probably looked like and idiot, but I didn't even care because I finally had her number.

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