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Jack cut me off, "Hey, we have plenty of space in our car."

"Yeah! You guys can ride over to the Tabernacle with us," Johnson chipped in.

After Jack and Jack talked to their stage manager about what was happening, we started piling into the car. Johnson got in the front seat followed by Ryan, Vivian, and T into the second row, and then I got into the back row with Jack.

We all sat there kinda awkwardly until Johnson turned around in the front seat to face us.

"So you guys actually flew all the way out here from Oregon??"

"Wanna see my drivers license?"

"No, no. I believe you, I'm just surprised that you guys flew all the way out here for us."

"Well that's not exactly the situation. See Tenicia here, is my best friend and she goes to school out here so when I saw that you guys were going to be in Atlanta, it gave me a really good reason to come out here. Viv did come just for you guys though."

"Oh. Ouch." Jack joked.

"I mean, of course we flew all the way across the country just for you," I responded sarcastically. Everybody laughed.

We got to the Tabernacle. Everybody got out; I was the last person to get out. As I was scooting over towards the door I looked up to see Jack standing there offering me his hand to help me out.

"Thank you," I said as I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"No problem," he replied with a chuckle, "Oh! I never caught your name." Jack said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ah, how rude of me. I'm Y/N," I extended my hand. He took my hand and shook it while saying, "Hi Y/N, I'm Jack."

I giggled, "I already knew that, you're kinda famous, remeber?"

The Jacks and Ryan went off to do a sound check as the stage manager gave us VIP passes and Backstage passes.

"Wait, backstage passes?"

"Yeah, Jack G insisted."

After the sound check, we we're let into the venue for the VIP meet and greet. We met and took picture with everybody. I got to Sam, and he looked at me as if he knew who I was.

"You must be Y/N."

"Uhm, yeah? How'd you..."

"Oh, right! I shouldn't know you," Sam and Nate chuckled.

"No... you shouldn't..."

Nate leaned in and added, "Jack couldn't stop talking about you all through sound check."

Sam and Nate started cracking up. I looked down at my shoes and blushed. I finally turned around and posed for a picture with Sam and Nate. And moved on to Jack and Jack.

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