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        Today is the day!!! I got up out of bed in a flash after my alarm went off and got in the shower. Now I had to finally decide what I was going to wear. Did I want to wear a separate outfit to the meet and greet or did I just want to wear the same one all day? I finally decided on the outfit that I had packed for the show - highwaisted denim shorts, a black crop top, a lace kimono, and my white converse. We all got dressed, did our hair, put our makeup on, and then headed down to the concierge desk to see if they could get us a ride and to find a place for breakfast. It was now about 7:30, the concierge had arranged for a car to come pick us up around 9 and gave us the address to a little organic bistro around the corner. We had breakfast and at 8:55 I received a call from the concierge desk to let us know that our car was waiting for us. We got back, Vivian ran up to the room to grab the sign and then we met the driver.

        We showed up at the mall in the Cadillac Escalade, the driver opened the door for us, I paid her, and then we went to wait in line. We were probably the first 100 people to show up. I was sooo excited to meet them! There were girls around us crying and screaming. I wasn't one of those fans; I was a 'pretender,' I liked to act all cool on the outside, but freak out on the inside or when I was by myself.

        It was finally 11, and after waiting an hour, the doors finally opened to let people in. T, Vivian, and I patiently waited, as we were moving up closer to the front of the line, girls were leaving in tears because they had finally gotten to meet Jack and Jack in real life.

"OH MY GOD! HE'S REAL!" a girl ahead of us screamed when he came into view.

        I looked up and there he was, only 10 feet away. He was even better looking in person. He looked up after posing for a picture with another fan, and we briefly made eye contact and he winked. The girls around me screamed, and I screamed in my head before collecting myself.

"Did you guys see that? We made eye contact and he winked," I said coolly to T and Vivian.

"I doubt that it was specifically towards you Y/N," Vivian remarked.

"Well whatever! Bitch don't kill my vibe." I retorted, "A girl can dream jeez."


We were up next!

"Ohhhhh my god! We're next! Vivian you go first! I need to take this moment in!"

        Vivian got up to the little stage that they were on, hugged each of them, introduced herself and then smiled for a picture with them. She also coolly asked for a picture with them holding her hands.

        It was finally my turn and I was freaking out inside, It was so bad that my hands were even shaking. I get up on the stage, hug Ryan Beatty, then Johnson, "Hey, I'm Y/N," I said into Johnson's ear as I was pulling away from the hug.

"It's nice to meet you Y/N," Johnson replied

Oh my god! I'm about to give Jack Gilinsky a hug. Stay calm. Keep it cool. Don't freak out, as I walked towards Jack. I was shaking so badly at this point, it was ridiculous!

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