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"I'm sad that I have to go. Come down to Bend with me?"

"Ryan that's like a 4 hour drive."

"Who said you have to drive?"

"Well how else am I supposed to get down to Bend and back home?"

"You don't have to drive there or home. You can stay on the bus and go down to Sacramento and fly home from there. I'll even pay for your ticket home."

"Ryan I can't have you do that!"

"But I insist, come on!"

I finally gave in after Ryan wouldn't stop asking, but there was one condition he had to let me pay for at least half of the plane ticket and he would have to let me buy him lunch.


I got home and quickly packed; thankfully I still hadn't unpacked from Atlanta, so I just threw a few more things in my duffle bag. Right as Ryan and I were about to leave the house my parents pull up the drive way. I introduced them to Ryan and told them about the trip down to Bend and Sacramento. Ever since I got my car and turned 18 my parents pretty much let me do whatever, I just had to check in with them so that they knew I was alive.

The drive down to Bend was uneventful, but when we got to Bend he handed me a penny board and we rode around town until he needed to be back for sound check. Again the show was great. Ryan, Kalin, and Myles took some pictures with the girls that were waiting outside, by the bus. I tried to sneak onto the bus with out the girls seeing, but they see everything.

"Hey who's that??" one girl shouted, causing a lot of eyes to come my way.

Another girl finally shouted, "that's Y/N! The girl from Portland!"

I was really surprised that they knew who I was, but now that I thought about it a lot of random girls had requested to follow me on instagram. I turned towards the girls and waved before getting on the bus to wait for the guys. I was playing on my phone, when I get a text from Ryan.

Ryan: Hey get back out here. These girls want pictures with you too.

I was surprised that they wanted pictures, but I got out of the bus and walked over to where Ryan was.

"Oh my gosh! You're so pretty!" one of the girls standing by Ryan said.

"Thank you! What's you're name?" I responded.

"I'm Amelia, can I get a picture with you and Ryan?" Amelia asked.

I looked over at Ryan, "What do you say Ryan? Can you handle being in a picture with two pretty girls?"

Amelia laughed. "Pshh, can I handle it? Of course," Ryan replied.

We posed for the picture and Amelia said thank you and left. We took a few more pictures with the rest of the girls and then we got on the bus and started the drive down to Sacramento.

I got ready for bed as Ryan and the rest of the guys were having a meeting in the front of the bus. I got into Ryan's little bunk. I opened instagram to find that I had been tagged in A LOT of pictures and had A LOT of requests to follow. I went through the list and let the girls follow me, by the end of the list I figured it would probably be best if I just took my profile off of private.

Then I went through my notifications. There were a lot of pictures of fans with Ryan and I and then there were even a few pictures of just Ryan and I with captions that read 'I totally ship this!' And then I saw Amelia's picture. She picked such a cute picture to upload; it was the one where Ryan was standing in the middle, and Amelia and I were on either side of Ryan kissing his cheek.

I feel the bed dip on the other side I roll over and Ryan's just laying there staring up.

"Hey there," I said with a little smile.

"Come here," he said while motioning me towards him with his head. I scooted over towards him and then he wrapped his arms around me. "Thanks for coming with me."

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