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It's the day before the show and we're actually in Atlanta!!! I thought to myself as I slowly began to fully wake up. Since T would be in Alabama for the day, Vivian and I couldn't figure out anything that we really wanted to do the night before, so we decided that we would just walk around and explore Downtown Atlanta. I was slightly hoping that we would maybe run into the DigiTour guys while we were exploring, but I knew that wasn't going to happen because they have a show in Birmingham today, but a girl can dream.

We had lunch at Chick-Fil-A, which was a must because we were in the south, and then we wandered over to the Olympic park region of downtown, I was beautiful. There were tons of things to in that area, but we settled on checking out the world of Coca-Cola. We finished up at the World of Coca-Cola and then were picked up by T's friend Aaron for dinner. We went to Atlantic Station and we also stopped at target so that we could pick up some paint for the poster that we were going to make to take to the show.

We finally got back to the hotel around 7:30 and decided that we should finally start on the sign. I thought it would be really cool if we made a sign that was shaped like Oregon, because it was original and a shape that other signs wouldn't be in. So after I sketched out the outline we took the cardboard down to the front desk to see if there was a pair of scissors that we could use. We cut it out up in our room, painted it green, covered it in glitter, and then took the scissors back to the front desk and explored the hotel as we waited for the paint to dry. There were 47 floors we went all the way to the top and looked over the railing, it was terrifying.

The paint was finally dried, now all we had to do was figure out what we wanted the sign to actually say. We finally decided on 'WE CAME FROM OREGON.' It was about 1AM when we finally finished the sign, and T had finally showed up - she was staying with us tonight. We figured it would probably be best if we went to bed and got up around 6:30 to get ready and then to go talk to the concierge to see if they could get us a ride to the Cumberland mall.

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