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The last thing I remember was Ryan kissing me on the forehead, I probably fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was in bed by myself, but I had a text from Ryan.

Ryan: Sorry I'm not there when you wake up. I'm working on some stuff at a studio. I will be back in time to take you to the airport. :*

I spent sometime on my phone and gathered all of my stuff up. Ryan got back and we left for the airport.

"Text me when you land?"

"Of course," I replied, "byyye!"

"See ya later," Ryan said then kissed me.


The two weeks had gone by, Jack and Jack would be landing in Portland today!

"Wanna come pick some people up from the airport with me?" I asked Viv. I hadn't told her about the Jacks coming to town yet.

"I guess. Who are we picking up? Do I know them?"

"You'll see," I responded with a smile.

We get to the airport, I find a parking spot, and then we head over to the place where we wait.

"So who are we here to pick up??" Viv asked.

"You'll find out soon! They just got off the plane. They should be here soon. You'll know who we're here for as soon as you see them."

Shortly after that I see jack heading towards the gate holding a sign with my name on it. I laughed to myself.


"Just wait! You'll see."

"Just tell me al... Oh my god! It's the Jacks and Hayes!" Viv exclaims.

"Y/N?" Jack asked like he didn't know who I was while showing me his sign.

I laughed, "come on you idiot, before people realize who you are. I don't wanna wait around for pictures. I'm starv..." it was just my luck, a group of girls had just arrived at the airport. They looked like a soccer team leaving for a tournament. I already knew that it was going to get really crowded so I grabbed Viv and started walking to the side.

"Y/N?" I hear a girl exclaim.

I look over and see Amelia. "Hi Amelia!" I said and then I introduced Viv and Amelia to each other.

"Can I get another picture with you while I wait for my team to finish up with the Jacks and Hayes?"

We took some pictures and then the pack of girls came over to me, I guess I was a little more well known than I had thought. Everybody got pictures and then headed towards the security check point.

"Finally!" Jack exclaimed as soon as those girls were out of ear shot, "I'm starving! And YOU wanted US to hurry so that people wouldn't realize who we were."

I rolled my eyes and laughed as I turned to walk to my car. We got lunch, well actually it was more like dinner now, and then went to the hotel.

"Hey do you wanna stay and watch a movie?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, but first let me take... Viv home."

"Sure. Can I come with?" Jack asked.

"Well of course!" I responded with a smile.

We got to my house and Viv got out, but I decided I wanted to change out of the jeans that I was wearing.

"Do you mind waiting in the car? I'm gonna run inside and change into some sweats," I said as I was getting out of the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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