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I kissed him back, and then pulled away.

"No, this view is beautiful."

"You and the view are beautiful."

Ryan took his phone out and took a picture of the skyline and posted it on Instagram, but not without mentioning me in the caption.

** Jack's POV **

I was scrolling down my feed on Instagram - I almost scrolled right past it - but then I saw her name. Ryan had just posted a picture of the skyline of a city with the caption: 'Exploring a beautiful city with a beautiful girl,' and she was tagged in the picture. I tapped on the name to go to her profile it was set on private, but the avi definitely looked like her.

"Bro! Did you see Ryan's picture?" Jack asked.


"Is it her?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think it is her! I'm gonna request to follow her. And now we wait..."

** Your POV **

"Bye Ryan, I had a blast tonight."

"Thanks for showing me around town. See you at the show tomorrow."

I got home, did my nightly routine and got in bed.

Ryan: Hey I forgot to ask you this earlier, but do you want to go get breakfast before the show?

Me: Well of course! :)

Ryan: Do you know of any places close to the venue?

Me: Do I know of any places close to the venue? Of course I do. How about I meet you at the venue around 9? and we can decide on a place then.

I was about to set down my phone when I got a notification from Instagram. *Jackgilinsky has requested to follow you* I almost dropped my phone on my face. I was super excited, I approved his request, obviously, and now I guess I just wait?

** Jack's POV **

The first thing I did when I got up this morning was check Instagram. I had to see if that was her. I tapped on her username and she had approved my request! It was actually her! Now what do I do? I should see what Jack thinks.

Me: It's her! She let me follow her! and its her!

Jack: Who's her?

Oh! Wait you mean Y/N?

Me: Yes! What should I do now though?

Jack: I'll be over in like 15.

Jack showed up at my house 15 minutes later exactly as he had said. We talked about my current situation and we decided that I'd DM her.

** Your POV **

I was getting ready to go get breakfast with Ryan, when I hear my phone. When I pick it up, I see that it's a notification from Instagram, saying that I have a message from Jack. Ohmegawd! Jack just sent me a message on Instagram! But it's been a little over two weeks now, why is he messaging me on Instagram? I finally open up instagram and click on the message: it's a picture of him with the expression of curiosity and a message saying 'do you remeber me?' Well what kind of a question is that? Of course I remember him. He's the guy that I gave my number to two weeks ago, but I never heard from! He's that really amazing guy that got my hopes up, and never called. I was pretty mad at that point. Calm down Y/N. There has to be a reason for why he never called or sent a text. Just message him back and let's find out what happened.

I sent him a picture of myself with the backstage and VIP passes with the message, 'the real question is do YOU remeber who I am?'

Not even before I could close the app and shut my phone off, I get a message back, 'Of course I remember you! You're that girl that caught my attention in Atlanta; you're that girl with that crazy beautiful smile; you're that girl that I haven't stopped thinking about since I met you; you're that girl that I let get away, twice, before finally getting your number; you're Y/N; you're that girl that I was never able to call becuase you gave me the wrong number. So what gives? Were you not interested? Oorrrr?'

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