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I had mixed emotions. I was super ecstatic about the first part, but then I read the last part. Did he really think that I wasn't interested in him? I flew all the way across the country to see him! But now I knew why I hadn't heard from him. I messed up when I was putting my number into his phone; I put a 9 inplace of a 3.

** Jack's POV **

She had given me the wrong number by accident, and she was just as disappointed about not hearing from me as I was about not hearing from her. I finally, actually had her number and I had decieded that I was gonna go visit her in Portland before I go back to Omaha to see my family and friends. Jack and I are gonna fly out there in two weeks, but until then I'd get to talk to her all the time. I was finally going to get to really know this amazing girl.

** Your POV **

I was done getting ready so I sent Ryan a text to let home know that I was heading over to the venue.

Me: I hope you're ready to have the best breakfast that you've ever had! Be there in 20.

I picked him up and we went and got breakfast. Afterwards we went back to the venue and had sound check before the meet & greet and the show. I got to meet Kalin and Myles. And the show was great.


I finally got the right number to Jack. He sent me a text to inform me that he would be visiting in two weeks; I was ecstatic!

Ryan wanted to hang out before he left so I picked him up and we just drove around

"Guess what??" I asked Ryan excitedly.

"What? I have not idea, so just tell me," Ryan replied.

"No, guess!"

"Ok. Uhm you think I'm so amazing that you're coming down to Bend to watch me perform again?"

I laughed, "no, that's not it. Although you are amazing and I would totally love to watch you perform again. But what I was going to tell you is that Jack is going to come visit me in two weeks."

** Ryan's POV **

"Oh really?" I responded. She seemed really excited about Jack visiting. Did they have a thing? That would explain why he offered them a ride and the backstage/VIP passes in Atlanta. But she kissed me back last night.

"Earth to Ryan!" Y/N said while waving her hand in front of my face. I must have been really into my thoughts. "So like I was saying, I had accidentally given Jack G the wrong number back in Atlanta, but then we got back in contact via Instagram and he said he was gonna come to Portland!"

"Oh... well that's exciting." I tried to say enthusiastically enough so that she couldn't tell that I was kinda jealous about hearing that.

She pulled over and I had just realized the view that was out the window. "It's beautiful," I murmured to myself.

"Yeah it is isn't it? Thanks for hanging out. I don't get to sit back and enjoy this city as often as I would like."

"You're welcome. But do you know what else is beautiful?" I asked as I leaned in towards her, "you." and I kissed her. She kissed back.

** Your POV **

I had been kinda unsure about how I felt about Ryan. I had kissed him back the other night at the water front, but I had Jack in the back of my mind the whole time. But this kiss, this kiss really confused me. I was conflicted. I felt something this time, but Jack was still there. I knew that I needed to give Jack a chance before I made a final decision. Should I tell Ryan about my feelings towards Jack? I mean were my feelings towards Jack even a real thing? Or was it just a celebrity crush. I still really didn't even know him. But then I snap out of my thoughts when Ryan said something.

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