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         It has been about a week since that dream, and I've become obsessed. I couldn't get enough of Jack. I started watching Jack and Jack vines all the time, I even started watching their youTube videos. I had gotten to their "5 REASONS YOU SHOULD SEE US ON TOUR!" And even though they had already been on tour a while and had just stopped in california I still had to look at their tour dates again. The last time I looked I just skimmed to see if they were coming to Oregon or even Washington, but they weren't so I hadn't really looked at the list; this time I looked at all of the stops and saw that they were stopping in Atlanta, Georgia.

Ahhhh, they're stopping in Atlanta!!! T goes to school in Atlanta!!! (Tenicia, or T, is my bestfriend)

I immediately picked up my phone to text T.

Me: I need to come to Atlanta to see this magnificent being on September 7th. (I had sent with a picture of Jack shirtless)

T: Who's that!!!???

Me: His name is Jack Gilinsky and he's a major babe!

T: He is though!

Me: Lol only problem is he's 17 and doesn't know that I exist.

T: Mmmm no bueno.

Me: Right?? Lol I'm totally willing to look past the age thing when he aknowledges my existence.

T: Lmao oh my but he is a nice piece of eye candy and you know I don't even like white boys no mo lol

We talked for a while longer and then went to bed.

        The next day I texted her again saying that this trip needed to happen! And we talked about how worth-it the trip would be. I would be killing two bird with one stone; I would get to see my BFF and I'd get to go to his show! I started looking up plane tickets, and then I told my parents about the plan. They were kinda concerned about the fact that it was already September 1st, and the show was only 6 days away, so plane tickets were about to be kinda spendy. As I was working out the details with T, somehow my sister got added into the plans, and was now coming with. I don't know how she convinced our mom into letting her miss school and to come with, but she did. Now, because she was coming, I couldn't stay on campus with T. I was kinda disappointed, but then I thought about it and I was OK with getting to stay at the Marriott Marquis in downtown Atlanta, in a nice bed. The plane tickets were purchased, the hotel was booked, and the show tickets were on my phone. Jack 2k14 was happening! I was so excited about the trip that I could hardly sleep that night, and we don't leave for another 4 days.

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