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        We were all offered a chance to win VIP passes to the show, all we had to do was fill out a raffle ticket. I knew I needed to win one because I needed a second chance. After I filling out the raffle ticket I walked over to where Vivian was standing with the sign. Ryan was the first too see it. He leaned over and said something to the Jacks. Johnson looked up, made a heart with his hands, and mouthed 'I love you.' Jack just kinda stared and then looked away and he might have said something to Johnson, but I don't really know because at the moment the DJ was about to pick out the raffle ticket that would win the VIP passes.

        We didn't get chosen this time but the DJ announced that there would be a second drawing in about an hour. We weren't planning on staying at first, but I also hadn't planned on messing up the one chance that I had to meet Jack. T and I went and walked around the mall as Vivian stayed. We had been gone for about 45 minutes when Vivian called and told us to get back, I didn't ask why and just went back because it sounded urgent. When we got back a lady had Vivian off to the side. I approached concerned that she had done something stupid and gotten in trouble.

"Hi, ladies." The lady greeted.

"Is something wrong? Did my sister do something?" I asked concerned.

"Oh no! It's nothing like that at all. The boys are about to be done and they wanted to talk to you guys, so follow me."

We followed her out of an exit, in the back and waited. The boys wanted to talk to us? What for?

"What do you think is going to happen?" Vivian asked.

"Ha. Beats me." I replied.

"Maybe they wanted to talk to you because you're so gorgeous," Vivian retorted mockingly.

"Yeah whatever," as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey ladies," I heard a boy say from behind me. I turned around and it was Johnson.

"Hey!" We all said with smiles on our faces. And then Jack came out followed by Ryan. They approached us, and said Hey.

"So you ladies must be wondering why we had our stage manager pull you aside," Johnson began, "well, we obviously saw that you guys came all the way from Oregon and wanted to offer you guys some VIP passes."

I just kinda stared in awe, until T elbowed me in the side and knocked me back into reality.

"Oh my gosh!" I managed to squeeze out, "are you serious?"

"Yeah we're serious," Jack chuckled, "so what do ya say? Do you lovely ladies want some VIP passes?"

"Yes!" Vivian almost screamed.

I must have made a face or something because Jack asked what was wrong.

"You see, since we aren't from around here, we don't have a car. We were planning on taking the bus back to downtown, and that's gonna take like an hour and a half. Soo I don't think we can make it in time for..."

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