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        I rolled over and looked at the clock it was only 8:14 in the morning. WHY??? You thought, why did I have to wake up now? I haven't woken up this early without an alarm since classes got out! Why now? Right as that dream was about to get good! But what just happened? I just had a dream about Jack Gilinsky? I've never even really thought about him that way. He just graduated from high school! He's still a baby. 

        It was the end of August, and there was a week left of summer vacation for my younger siblings. My sister, Vivian, and I have grown closer over the summer, she's five years younger than me, and up until this summer, she has been an annoying little brat. I got out of bed and walked next door to her room to tell her about the weird dream that I had just had. She's 14 and knows everything there is to know about the MAGcon boys.

"It was weird. How old is he anyways?"

"Ummm, let me check my phone." She has all of their birthdays saved somewhere on her phone.

"Haha OK. You're a freak, you know that right?" I asked her teasingly.

"Yeah whatever! do you want to know how old he is or not?"

"Uh yeah i wanna know how old he is. He's gotta be 18 right? I mean he graduated this year and he has a late birthday doesn't he? But in that one vine it was something about being the youngest and that was him..."

"He was born on September 10th, 1996. Soooo he's..."

"He's 17!!" I interrupted, I was currently 19. "Alright well that's OK. I've only been 19 for about a month now, and he'll be 18 in like 2 weeks..." I had said to myself, as if I had a chance with him at all. Ha, he doesn't even know that I exist, so why does it even matter how old he is?

"Well right now, he's not legal."

"Thanks Viv." I said sarcastically.

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