request: @bbyboycolbs

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You walk through the kitchen, looking for Colby. He isn't in the living room or the bathroom and he went exploring a few hours ago so he should be back by now.
You check the loft; he's not up there either. You lastly go to the bedroom, and as you turn the corner you see him.
He's laying on the bed, looking out the window with his back to you. You notice that he seems to be breathing sharply, as if he were crying.
Quietly, you peek over his shoulder and see that he's hugging a pillow and that he is in fact crying. You walk over to the side he's laying on and sit on the edge of the bed.
"Heyyy, what's going on?"
He doesn't respond but he looks over at you. His ice-blue eyes are tinted with an unfamiliar sadness that you hardly recognize.
Gently, you rub your thumb over his cheek and frown slightly. You hate seeing him sad.
He just hugs the pillow tighter.
He moves a little so you can lay next to him and put your feet on the bed. You prop your head up with an extra pillow.
"Come lay with me."
He hesitates at first but eventually moves his pillow out of the way and curls up against you with his head resting under your chin. You wrap your arm around his shoulder.
You don't say anything for quite some time because you can tell he just needs to cry. You rub his shoulder and let him cuddle with you.
It breaks your heart to see him so upset. Something's really bothering him.
"Colby, shhhh. It's okay baby." You run your hands through his hair which seems to soothe his crying a little bit.
He looks up for a second before grabbing your other hand and pulling it close to his chest.
He's pressed up against you and you can feel him shaking a little. You don't know what exactly to do because you don't want to make him feel any worse than he already does.
"You wanna talk about it?"
He shrugs.
"We were out exploring an-and we were checking things out so he was like 20 feet away from me... I-I should've stayed with him..."
"What happened?"
He hesitates.
"He got hurt real bad."
He sniffles and cuddles closer.
"He got his foot stuck in something when he was running back over to me and landed in a pile of broken glass and wire and sharp metal. I didn't know anything happened until I walked over there."
You can hear the concern in his voice. He feels so bad.
"When I got to him he was trying to get up but he couldn't stand and the wire and metal were cutting into his arms and he was bleeding pretty badly. I tried to help him up but he was all tangled up in that stuff and something was wrong with his leg."
"Once I got all the wire and stuff off of him I got him to stand and I tried to go back to the car as quickly as possible without leaving him behind because he was limping."
You kiss his head. He was still shaken up from all of this and his voice was getting more and more anxious.
"I took him back to his apartment and called Jake. He came over and helped clean up the blood and pull out the last glass shards and bits of wire from his arms. After, we wrapped them with gauze and bandages and I think he sprained his foot pretty bad..."
"Is he still at his apartment?"
Colby shrugs.
"My best friend got hurt because of me and it's all my fault... if only I didn't go off wandering on my own."
"Hey, don't blame yourself for what happened out there. He'll be okay. It wasn't your fault baby."
There's a couple minutes when the only sound is Colby sniffling.
"How about we go check on him later? I think he just needs some rest right now."
He nods.
"I want to apologize to him too."
"Okay. We can go do that in a little bit."
He nods again and relaxes slightly. It's quiet again for a few minutes and he chills out a bit more.
"Can you...sing to me?"
"Awwww sure babes."
You clear your throat and start to sing. He loves listening to it for some reason and it really seems to calm him down when he's freaking out.
You sing a couple of his favorite songs and some others and he eventually stops crying all together. You're glad that he feels better.
You only make it through about 2 or 3 more songs before you look down and find him on the verge of falling asleep.
You rub his back and sing a little more before he finally gives in and passes out. You smile and pick up your phone to text Sam.

You: hey man you good? Colby told me what happened

Sam: yeah I'm fine for now, I have my leg propped up and I'm just watching tv so it's okay

You: alright good, Colby was freaking out when I came in here

Sam: like really bad freaking out?

You: yeah, he was crying and wouldn't stop telling me how he felt bad

Sam: dang, is he alright now?

You: yeah he's asleep on me so I think he's fine

Sam: cool, are you stopping by later?

You: Colby wants to come over to check on you because he's worried so probably later today sometime

Sam: alright sweet

You set your phone down and just watch Colby sleep. He looks really cute and you thought about how concerned he was about Sam. It was very adorable to you that he cared so much.

request for @bbyboycolbs , hope you like ittt 🖤

i kinda just threw this one together, it's meh

anyway, I won't be continuing this one even though I want to because I'm already doing so many lmaoo but long story short you guys go visit Sam, Colby apologizes, everyone's fine

luv u guys and sorry about the rushed story haha

gracie xx

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