2. Saving Emily?

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AWHH I AM SORRY... I AM TOO EXCITED FOR THIS STORY- in other words, I had to post another chapter because I love it too much myself. I have finished 70% of the book already...oops *hides* I hope you don't mind, but It is gonna be amazing, if I may say so myself.....

If you just read that THANK ŶOU SWEETIE <3...btw did you notice I only used one full stop? Oops I kinda like to rant...even when I write *hides again* Don't hit me..Now enough craziness. Have fun reading this second chapter! And please comment everywhere what you think about what I have written or just any remark. Mind you I read all of them and reply to most of them. Cause I am an amazing writer *hair flip*.... Now off you go ksss goo go go... 







Why aren't you reading yet? Sorry I will quit..... I am just bored so I am having a bit of fun. Still love you guys <3 IMMY OUT *drops mic*


Previously: She doesn't even try to hold them back anymore. After 10 minutes she gets up and climbs off the roof. Her eyes are still red from the tears, the guys notice but they say nothing; luckily. Edwin then asks "Where are you going?" "I'll figure something out. I always do, probably the park." she says and then she turns and walks away.

(A/N: This will be standard, so you don't have to go back and read chapter 1 again. Although feel free to re-read everything <3- But as I was saying I always forget what happened so this is for you and for me xxx)

Around two at midnight Edwin suddenly wakes up in the middle of a nightmare, he is sweating. It is pouring outside and he feels guilty and bothered about the fact that Emily is out there in the rain while he is sleeping in his comfortable bed. He quickly gets up and throws on some clothes, then he walks downstairs. He tries to be careful not to wake anyone else. However when he arrives at the bottom of the stairs he hears a voice coming from behind him. It is Nick, he is standing in the hallway; fully dressed. "You do not think you are going alone?" Edwin smiles and they leave together in a car and drive to the park. There they get out , it is still pouring, but they are happy when they see the entrance. However the fence is closes so they have to help each other climb over it. After a short walk they see a bench with someone laying on it. Edwin and Nick speed up their walking and sit down each at a different side of her. She looks surprises but then she slowly starts to cry. Edwin puts her head on his chest and hugs her tightly trying to shield her from the rain. "Come on, you are coming with us."Nick says, Em only nods. She allows them to lead her to the car and they drive back to the house.

They arrive home with a shivering Emily and as soon as they get it it is about 3 o'clock and the others are already waiting in the living room. Edwin and Nick look surprised when they see the others awake, but hesitate not before putting her down on the couch between Austin and Brandon. Nick walks to the kitchen to make a cup of chocolate milk to warm her up, and when he gives it to her she looks surprised. After a minute she is still staring into the mug wit the weirdly warm feeling brown substance and she mumbles; "What is this?" "Chocolate milk" Nick says very surprised. "It is quite tasty and also sweet...."

"WAIT.. You have never had chocolate milk before?!?!" Austin scream-asks in utter shock. She shakes her head; "No, uncle took me when my parents died last month and they were really strict. No sport, no dancing, no music or distractions and most important of all the food restrictions, such as no candy, no fizzy drinks or hot drinks like this..."

Zion looks shocked "NO CANDY?!? What a horrible life?!" but then Brandon soft punches him. Luckily Emily got the joke and laughed silently, after her drink she gets up and walks to the kitchen. There she starts cleaning the mug while leaving the guys dumbfounded behind in the living room, on the couch. They start to talk about what is happening when Edwin just gets up and goes into the kitchen as well. "What are you doing?" He asks when he sees Emily cleaning the mug with a brush and with shaking hands. "Sorry, I try to get it clean..."

He takes the mug from her hands and puts it on the counter than he takes her hands and pulls her out of the kitchen. Austin already found out what happens and comments: "You don't have to clean silly, you need to get some rest. By the way we have princess Edwin for the cleaning, he is our own Cinderella..." Edwin laugs: "I agree with the sleeping part, but I am not Cinderella, but neither are you Em..." Brandon gets up and says goodnight, the others mumble the same. Then Edwin creeps up from behind Emily and says:

"You can have the couch or my room, and then I'll take the couch." "I'll take the couch if you don't mind." As response Edwin shakes his head and gets some pillows and blankets to make the perfect guest bed. Then he hugs her tightly and whispers one last goodnight. They both sleep a lot better for the rest of that night.

Emily does not sleep for long however because she wakes up from her natural alarm because her body is used to waking up at 7.00 am. First she is scared from seeing an unknown surrounding, but then she remembers the previous night and smiles. Silently she gets up and goes into the kitchen to make the guys some breakfast. When checking the fridge and cupboards she comes across eggs, cheese, bacon, toast and some other breakfast items. She decides to make a larger breakfast to thank them for supporting her and letting her crash on the couch. Starting with brewing some fresh coffee to make sure that the smell wakes up the bunch of guys. Then she puts the plates ready and gets ready to start baking the eggs with cheese, the bacon and getting the toast completely edible. She also decides to warm up some tomatoes in a pan when she sees it is already 8.30 am, so she decides to wake up the guys.

Slowly she walks upstairs but she doesn't know which room belongs to which person so she just starts opening doors. The first room is a bathroom and then she stumbles across Edwin's bedroom. After knocking on the door she opens the door only to see a sleepy Edwin without shirt, but with some good looking abs sitting on his bed. Edwin slowly turns around to face whoever walked into his room. 


BTW I love cliffhangers so expect one at the end of every chapter *evil laugh* Sorry not sorry :p Love you guys.... and please comment, vote, add to liberary, send in your message chat, post on insta... idk do whatever you want to make people read this crazy story. I love to talk to you so in case you're interested (I hope so) slide into my message and tell me something random and who knows if we can talk for hours. Now I got to goooooo byeeeeeeeee







*muppet mode* 

you can go now.... you can goooooooooo! *bye* 

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