19. Back to school?

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Soooooo sorry for the delay, I am in the middle of my exam week and I just got lost in time- which is also the reason why I haven't seen my boyfriend in a week :( I miss him ❤❤But I will see him tomorrow the whole day I believe, and I am so happy because he has promised to take me shopping after exam week, and were going to swim with some of our friends and the two of us are going to the zoo. However, how can I survive cute animals and a cute boyfriend ❤😙😳😳💋💕

But please enjoy this chapter ❤ Spam me with comments please my lovelies, otherwise I might be the only reader here..... GUCCIARREAGA elfindisguise 

xxx Immy.M

Ps: I discovered I have an emoji keyboard on my chromebook! YEAHHHH 🔥😈❤😇😊😀😂✌💕🙈😍👌😘👍😋😜😎💁😔😏😉😌

Disclaimer: I have NO IDEA whatsoever of how the military system works, I just made something up along the lines of my story. So please do not come at me and tell me how wrong I am, because I know. But I was feeling the whole checking every single detail, I have tried to make it sound realistic, but if you are still bothered I can not help it. Thank you for reading this. ________________________________________________________________________

Previously: When she finishes the eggs with toast, which were delicious cause Nick made them, she washed her plate and goes to the living room where the guys are talking. The moment she enters they all fall still and Emily feels like she is being left out...

She then decides to leave it be and goes up to what she has been calling her room for the past few days. While searching for her bag, which she still has to pack for school she closes and locks the door and puts on some music. Dancing around her room makes her feel a lot better about herself and it helps her get into a good mood if she has to pack her stuff, which is sometimes difficult. It takes her about 3 hours and then she goes down to get the pizza she has ordered. Not wanting to talk to the guys right now because of their weird behaviour earlier that day she eats in her room alone, with music and magazines.

On sunday she cleans her room so it looks as if no one lives there, even though the might be back during the weekend she will stay at school for a long time. Every wednesday and in the weekends she can visit the guys, and if she takes time off of course. The rest of the day is not very special, she avoids talking to the guys and they try to figure out what they did wrong, which is not very successful.

Edwin p.o.v.

Ever since we were talking in the living room and Emily came inside she stopped talking to us. She has eaten her dinner in her room by herself, she ordered a pizza instead of coming down to eat one of Nick's freshly cooked meals. And today, sunday, she has also been avoiding us.

I decide that it is time to fix whatever we have done wrong, and I call a meeting with the others. We all sit in the living room and start talking about whatever it is which we have screwed up. Then it hits me. "Guys, what were we doing when Emily came into the living room yesterday?" I ask..."Talking, right?" Nick says. "Yeah, about the new concept of that music video, for which we need a military base." Brandon adds. Zion and Austin just sit there looking confused so I try to clear it up: "We stopped talking as soon as she came into the living room. And that's when she walked up to her room looking pissed. And since that moment she has not spoken a word to us."

"Wait you think she thinks that we are hiding stuff from her and ignoring her? Shit!" Brandon says. "I mean it would explain her behaviour." Zion says. We all agree that that would be why she is ignoring us and we decide to talk to her on monday, to just give her some space this day.

Third p.o.v

However that was not very smart because they forgot that her school would start on monday. In their defense, they did not know she would be gone before 6 am.

Emily p.o.v.

It is monday morning 5 am and I am fully dressed writing a note in the kitchen. I put it on the table but not before I read it through; I tell the boys that I will see them wednesday morning but I don't mention whether or not I will miss them, because I am still upset with them. I also write that I will respond very late to their texts. Then I get my back from the ground and get out of the house. Outside it is freezing but luckily I have brought my coat and I put it on while I wait for the bus of 5.20 am. It brings me to school in a little under 40 minutes, which makes sure that I am there precisely at 6.00 am.

I am walking straight to my room and pack out my stuff in my room. Then I start at 6.30 am with waking up my cadets, followed by breakfast at 7 o'clock, where everyone is present. They are all fully dressed, which I am very glad about because if not we would not be able to finish the entire program that has been made for today. The day continues and we train both hand combat and shooting. In the evening we have a simple dinner because we always lunch with a warm meal. Then it is already time to go to bed.

The next day starts the same, except for the fact that the program is different. Oh and I got some texts from the guys about where the h*ll I am and why I am not home at night. I chuckle to myself; so cute to think they really think it is already my home. Even if I wanted it, school feels more like home right now, more than their house. Today we practise rope climbing and we have a couple of gym sessions in between studying. The day ends like the day before, I go to bed not too late because I want to get up earlier than normal the next day. Because it is wednesday and I have one day with the guys, and even though I have still not forgiven them I want to see them try and 'cheer' me up. 

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