18. Secret 2

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I kinda forgot to update this book- next time please spam me, because I was not planning on leaving you guys with a cliff hanger for a week. Sorry. But please enjoy this chapter And let me know what you think about everything. I love to hear what you think about random details. ❤😉

xxx Immy.M 


Previously: Brandon just shakes his head; "Let's get on with it missy...." They both got to a spacious spot and then it was "Ready, set and GO!"

It started quite easy for both of them, for Emily this was nothing. She had gotten used to doing 2 times hundred push-ups daily and the punishment was another hundred if you were to slow with any activity, which happened with Emily in the beginning. Then she catches Nick staring at her and Zion is inspecting her. Brandon still had more trouble because she had not given up yet." To irritate Brandon Emily decides to tease him. She does two push-ups with her left hand only and then two with her right, at which he responds by growling. She laughs and suddenly has another idea.

"Zion, dear, truth or dare?" Zion is a bit surprised but chooses truth. "When are you going to give up fortnite?' Emily asks and they all burst into laughter, except for poor Brandon. "NEVER!" "Alright but if you have to choose, a girlfriend or fortnite?"

"Fortnite!" he says dead serious.... Emily laughs; "What if she likes fortnite and she is not even that bad?" "Then she is a keeper, duhh." He pauses for a few seconds, and then looks at her as if she has some sort of secret information, but all she does is wiggle her eyebrows and stick out her tongue, which he gladly returns. ;p

They have now reached 85 and Brandon decides to quit, there is something about Emily which tells him she is used to doing push-ups. Because she doesn't even look tired yet. He looks shocked at her and the others share his look of amazement and confusion. "You done yet?" She jokes, but in reality she is actually quite impressed by how far he came. That is when Edwin looks at Brandon and he nods and smirks. Somehow these guys do not need many words, sometimes even none to communicate about certain things.

Edwin, the referee, got up and sat on Emily's back while she had to do more push-ups. Brandon had hoped that this would cause her to give up, but instead she just continued with Edwin on her back. Brandon could not help but let out a small gasp which caused Emily to giggle. Of course Brandon is not going to give up; "Emily, truth or dare?" "I'll choose dare if you pick something I can do while finishing these push-ups...honey." That last part she adds on purpose because it distracts him. "Alright, do the last push-ups with a clap in between he dares her, because he knows she will have to give up. Edwin gets off her back and they all look at her.

However you can't get a girl like Emily to lose, not if she can help it. So as soon as he says it and the others start laughing, until she starts with a push-up and claps in the air. Brandon is completely overwhelmed and give up, he decides to just watch Emily, who is finishing the last ten push-ups. And in between all of them she claps in the air. Afterwards she lowers her body on the ground, rolls on her back and get up quite quickly. She smiles at the guys, puts on her kimono and walks, while moving her whole lower body on purpose, to the kitchen. "Now I'm finally gonna get something to eat, cause ya girl is starving." Edwin raises his eyebrows and mumbles: "Starving? It is 3 pm, how?" She then mumbles something.

"Emily what did you say?" Nick asks with a stern voice. "I may, or may not have forgotten to eat lunch..." And as soon as she says that she quickly walks away while giggling.

The boys p.o.v.

She leaves them while quickly walking inside, leaving the guys behind as if they are little kids... Then the realisation hit them. "Does that mean? She...did....." Brandon stutters.

Austin just nods while Zion falls out of his lounge chair because he is laughing so hard. "She...hihi...just beat....your ass.. on an empty stomach..hahaha." Nick hits the back of his head which makes him wine like a baby. "Shut it baby." "I think what Brandon means is that she did not eat anything. Guys, we are supposed to look after her. Why did no one notice this?"

Third p.o.v.

That's when Emily walks back into the garden. "Uhm, excuse me. I might not be as old as you are, but I am perfectly fine looking after myself." she says while holding a plate with one toast with butter. Nick gets up and walks to her plate. He starts to look under it, and on both sides; "We know, but we just care about you. Oh and where is the rest of your food?" He asks. "What rest?" she says sheepishly, he then takes her hand and drags her to the kitchen. He forces her to sit on a chair while the others slowly make their way into the kitchen. They are having a deep conversation because their faces look troubled. Emily wonders what it is but before she can ask she hears the sounds of a pan. Nick is standing near the stove and is baking something. As soon as she tries to get up and either look it or walk away she is being pushed down by Brandon.... "Nah, nah, nah.." he says like a girl while snapping his fingers. "You ain't going nowhere." "But..." Em starts; "No buts missy, you are going to sit here and eat whatever Nick is baking and then you can leave." She just nods, being too tired from starvation to really put up a fight.

From an outsiders point of view this would seem like a casual lunch where a couple of brothers bake something for their sisters, but nothing was less true. For some it might feel as if they are family, but with Emily's secret still not out in the open; it did not feel like family for her...yet.

After a couple of minutes Nick gets puts a plate with two slices of toast and two eggs in front of her. "Now eat up, or we have to get Simon.." he jokes. At which she looks at him with a death stare, but she does start eating. However the guys are still standing there, looking at her while she is eating. "Excuse me, give me some privacy." she jokes, and luckily they all leave except for Edwin who stays. "You know he did not mean it like that? We would never betray you by going to your uncle. It's just his way of trying to show you that he cares. I hope you understand it." He says and then he just walks away leaving Emily to think about whatever she did wrong to deserve such a snappy answer. Maybe it is his wrong time of the month... she starts giggling as soon as she thinks about it. When she finishes the eggs with toast, which were delicious cause Nick made them, she washed her plate and goes to the living room where the guys are talking. The moment she enters they all fall still and Emily feels like she is being left out...

Yep I know, another cliffhanger but I promise you I won't let you guys wait another week before you get the new chapter. You either get it saturday or sunday. 

xxx Immy.M ❤

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