20. Music shoot?

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Here is another chapter for you guys❤ I really hope you all will enjoy chapter 20 and please tell me what you think about it with comments. I'd love to know how this story is viewed from your perspective. So comment, vote if you read something funny/ remarkable or  to support me. ❤


xxx Immy.M❤


Previously: The day ends like the day before, I go to bed not too late because I want to get up earlier than normal the next day. Because it is wednesday and I have one day with the guys, and even though I have still not forgiven them I want to see them try and 'cheer' me up.

Third p.o.v

It is 5 am on a wednesday and Emily is already fully dressed and ready for her day off. She takes the same bus she took to get to the base(school), but the other way around of course. She gets there at 7 and rings the bell, but no one answers. So she starts to ring it again, and again. After 15 times of ringing the bell, and Emily almost smashing the window to get in someone opens the door. Emily looks up to see a sleepy Zion with messy dreads in his pyjama opening the door; "Oh you.." he mumbles. Emily pretends to be hurt but she does step inside, because he is not yet fully dressed Zion goes upstairs to wake the others and get dressed.

Emily jumps on the couch and puts on Netflix and starts to binge watch some shows. After 20 minutes Edwin comes downstairs and walks into the living room to find Em watching series. He stands in front of the screen and stretches his arms in front of him, but Emily just leans to the side to see her serie. "Wait you missed Netflix more than you missed me?" Edwin asks shocked and she laughs. "Yes, because I am still mad at you. However you can get a hug if you want Eggie, so come here." and she gives him a big hug. The hug lasts for quite a few seconds and only when the others are done and scrape their throats do the two part. "Excuse me? Spare some love for us please Edwin." Brandon mumbles and they all hug Emily. But not nearly as long as Edwin and Emily.

Then Nick decides to start the conversation they have dreaded, because it almost ruined their friendship. "Emily be honest, were you mad because we stopped talking when you walked in?" Emily just nods. "Em, it was not something you did, we just have a problem and we wanted to solve it. However we did not feel like it was something we would need to bother you with." Edwin explains. "Why not? We are friends, I want to help solve your silly little problems." she says. Then Brandon decides to tell her about it, because why not.

"The problem is the following, we want to film a new music video for an unreleased song. However the idea was to do it at a military base."

"Why haven't you done it yet?" Emily asks. They look at her as if she is crazy.

"Uhm because where would we find a military base and get permission to shoot a video?"

Emily is so deep in her thoughts that she does not respond until Edwin pinches her. "Ouch, why was that needed?" "You zoned out." Austin says. "Alright, I still owe you guys from letting me stay here the past week and taking care of my ass, even if I do not need it."

"But we love to babysit your ass...but please continue." Brandon interrupts her.

"Tomorrow 9am, I'll text you the address. Be there on time or I will kill you myself. Deal?"

They just nod, while being shocked from what just happened. "Thanks" Edwin manages to mumble.

The rest of the day they just play games like charades with objects, famous people and food. And somehow Zion managed to include a section which existed of games, so they had to act out games. But altogether they had a hilarious day and Emily was very satisfied with it. So she did not feel so bad when she had to go back to the base, because she knew she would see the guys very soon again.

The guys were a bit sad that she already had to go. Furthermore they were still not aware of whatever she was doing at school and why she would have to go and sleep there for multiple days a week.

The next day Emily arrives at the base at 7am as usual. But she makes sure she gets everything ready for the shoot. The guards at the front gate are being informed about members of a boyband coming for a shoot. Which, to be honest, only confuses them, but they must follow the orders of Emily, since she is a sergeant and therefore quite above them.

The guys p.o.v

After a lot of struggle in the morning because they had to pack everything they needed for the shoot, the guys wait for Emily to text them the address. At 8am they finally get the text with the place where they need to be, and where they arrive at 8.40 am. There they tell the guards who they were, the boyband Prettymuch. After being informed that sergeant Alvaro would come to help them and be at their disposal to assist them they drive to a parking lot. All of them get out and start talking and looking around the base where they just arrived. It looks just like they imagined it to be, so they are very content. And it is quite busy; which is very suiting for the background of the video. Then they see someone with a fancy cap and military clothing walking towards them. The cadets who are standing along the road from where this person was to where the guys are all salute and say sergeant. As soon as the sergeant is closer and looks up the guys are surprised. It is Emily.

"Wait Emily??!? You are a sergeant!?!?" Brandon exclaims in shock. "Yes, sergeant Alvaro at your service." She says with a stern voice. The others are still confused; Austin looks like a little kid while Zion looks like he is high, as he does everyday. Nick however is eying her up and down while mumbling stuff like damn. Edwin is still silently staring but then spits out his thoughts: "that explains the push-ups..." and Brandon agrees, but that's just because he is scared to admit that he is weak..... "But damn you look good in that outfit." Edwin states. "Uhm sorry, nice to meet you sergeant Alvaro." And he shakes her hand, but he pulls her close and whispers: "You do look hot mamas." But Emily tries very hard not to respond to him teasing her. "If you can follow me gentlemen, I will be helping you film your music video today." And that's when Emily bursts out in laughter and breaks her act, because the guys look confused. 

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