3. Day plan

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Another chapter cause I love you readers <3 

Yes I know I am very generous and I am an amazing human being. But thank you for confirming it..... Sorry ya girl needs to boost her self-confidence online cause it ain't happening in real life *hides*

But that out of the way... PHASES IS OUTTTTTTT OMGGGGG I AM SSOOOO IN LOVE WITH IT <3 <3 ITŚ BEEN ON REPEAT ALL MORNING. And you know what fun story time... if you are a heartless and cruel person you can skip it ;P (no one will judge you heartless monster ;p)

So I asked my mom to check at 7:15 if phases was on spotify... cause you know timezones are making me sick... So she promised to do it and at 7;20 she woke me up. Which is a dangerous thing to do; but the only words she said were: "it's online" And I have never run so hard in my life to the living room, found my phone without my glasses on...cause priorities... and starting streaming it on my speaker. I WAS AND STILL AM SO FRICKING HAPPPYYYYYYY. So in honor of Phases... here it another chapter for my baby Edwin who slayed phases btw <3

If you have not yet listened to Prettymuch (what you doin with ya life) or phases.... please...it hurts me to say this...but stop reading this book go listen to it now, or you know what just click the video on the top and listen while reading this chapter =P 

Love you guys and have fun reading this new chapter! Have a great day and love yourself <3

And have a piece of chocolate *hands chocolate to you*. Enjoy!

xxx Immy.M <3


Previously: Slowly she walks upstairs but she doesn't know which room belongs to which person so she just starts opening doors. The first room is a bathroom and then she stumbles across Edwin's bedroom. After knocking on the door she opens the door only to see a sleepy Edwin without shirt, but with some good looking abs sitting on his bed. Edwin slowly turns around to face whoever walked into his room.

He looks shocked, but not as shocked as Emily: "I am so sorry..". She walks to the next room and only knocks before saying breakfast is almost ready, but no one is getting up. As she makes her way back to the stairs to go down again Edwin's door opens and he walks out of it fully dressed in a very nice outfit. He looks really handsome but Em is still shocked and she tries to walk away but he grabs her arm. "Don't worry Emily." She nods and just responds "Breakfast is ready."

Edwin smiles and turns around to face the hallway and shouts: "Guys breakfast is ready and whoever is late I will get your portion, and it must be really good because Emily made it." When he says the last part Emily blushes while Edwin runs downstairs. Emily follows him and not much later the other doors open and the guys stumble down the stairs into the kitchen. Zion comes in looking like a real life zombie just like Austin. While Brandon and Nick look like they have been awake for hours, except for their tired eyes which show they have just woken up. Em gets the pans and puts everything on the plates before pouring the coffee in mugs and handing them all a mug and a plate.

"This looks amazing....you can stay..." Brandon jokes, while the others mumble in agreement because they have their mouths full. "Thank you." Emily says while blushing.

After breakfast Nick and Emily clean up while the others go back upstairs to get fully dressed; if they were not done yet. The tension between Nick and Emily is noticeable from a mile away, but it does not make the situation very awkward. The reason for this weird vibe is that they have not had a moment to talk since she arrived. Instead of hiding away like she would normally do Em decides to start the conversation; "Thank you for picking me up yesterday evening. I really appreciate it." Nick smiles when he hears this, though he stills goes into defence. "Actually it was Edwin's idea, I think you really made an impression on that guy." She starts to blush, how could she make an impression on someone as great as Edwin. To not continue with that topic she successfully tries to change it by asking what Nick thinks everyone; including himself is going to do that day.

Nick tells her that he and Zion will be going to a party with some friends and he doesn't know about Austin, but Brandon was probably gonna work on some new music. "What about Edwin? " Emily tries to ask casually. Nick laughs and says "I don't know, maybe you can ask him yourself." Then Edwin walks in.... "Speaking of the devil, Emily wants to know what you're going to do today" Nick says sneaky. Emily starts to blush but luckily Edwin does not notices, he just responds 'I think I am gonna practice some dancing and then hit the gym. Do you wanna come too?"

"Uhm sure, although I have not danced in a long time, but you know practice makes perfect."

"Great, I don't know if you have anything comfortable to wear, but otherwise you can just go to my room and get something from the closet."

"Alright thank you." she says while walking upstairs. Since their breakfast-incident she knows without doubt which room is his so she walks in and looks for the closet. After a couple of minutes she hears a raspy voice behind her. It is Brandon; "What are you doing here, if I may ask." Even though she almost had a heart attack because of him she recovers and tells him Edwin told her to get something out of his closet to wear for dance practice. Brandon laughs while nodding; "That sounds like Edwin. Come with me, I have some old clothes from my sister which might be a little bit better." Curious as to why he would still have Hailie's clothes she follows him into a small room at the end of the hallway. When they come near the door, Brandon steps aside after opening it for her. It is a really small room with just two closets. Nonetheless he was right, these clothes would be a better match for her physique than Edwin's, but she was planning on stealing something from him. Before Brandon leaves to give her some privacy she thanks him and closes the door.

Emily starts taking up her surroundings, which mostly exist of clothing. After searching she finds a cute red halter top, a see through jacket (show a little shoulder ;-p) and surprisingly some pants matching with her top. The only things left to find are some shoes and a baseball cap of some kind. For these items she walks to Edwin's room and soon finds his special section with old shoes. There she discovers some of his old shoes which are too small for him, but he can't bear to throw them away yet. The perfect pair of red converse are standing in the corner, and an NYC cap on one of the top shelves. She puts them on and is ready to go, though she is a little nervous about their reactions to her outfit.

After winking in the mirror to try and boost her self esteem she walks downstairs to meet up with the guys. The moment she sets foot inside the living room they all look up as if something life-shocking happened. 


Another cliffhangers....OOPS I DID IT AGAIN!!!!!

I'll practice my patience 

 While you're getting wasted 

 Til fate brings you home 

 I'll wait through you phases

 You shuffle through faces 

 Like songs in your playlist 

 Til fate brings you home

 I'll wait through your phases, phases 

Till next time babes, and please spam this chapter with comments again <3

xxx Immy.M <3 

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