9. New Face

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Hi guys! I am so sorry for not updating yesterday, I was going to but I just completely forgot. I hope you forgive me because I am giving you the new chapter now. I have to start writing again but I was having trouble finding time inbetween classes, homework and my social life. And I am of course busy writing the story version of Sold to the Devil- my poem. If you have not yet read it, please check it out <3 

Don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy! I am so happy with your support <3 But this chapter is dedicated to a special person @GUCCIARREAGA who has been supporting me to write this book from the beginning. So dear, this one is for you <3

xxx Immy.M <3


Previously: I look at Edwin and I feel my heart melt, he is such a sweet guy and I really think I am in love with him. He looks into my eyes and for a few seconds I forget that the others are still in the room. Then Brandon pulls Edwin aside and they talk for a few moments.

Emily p.o.v

I decide to go to the washroom to freshen up so I excuse myself and walk away. Luckily there is no one in there so I go inside a toilet and just sit down for a while, thinking about my past. That's when I start to cry and I can't help it, the tears just fall down. However I am not entirely sure that I am crying because of my past. Maybe the present situation is just a bit too much for me to handle. Somehow I have lost track of what has been happening. At that moment the door opens and I hear someone walk in. Her shoes are the cause of an echo and it startles me. Nonetheless I try to stop the tears from falling down and not sniff, but I fail.

"Hello? I know someone is in here. Are you okay?" A sweet voice asks while I see her walking through the washroom. I sniff my nose; "I am fine", although I think she knows that I am lying. Not knowing why but I suddenly decide to trust this new girl and I open the door and walk out of it. There I see a beautiful girl with black hair and a sweet smile. I try to reach out to shake her hand but she pulls me into a big hug. "Don't worry, we can skip the formalities." she says and I smile. I think we will get along great.

"Thank you, I am Emily." "Nice to meet you Emily, I am Kayla." We decide to sit down and we end up talking for 15 minutes about ourselves. It does not matter that I just met her because it feels like I have known her for years. We were laughing so hard and we had so much fun, but of course someone had to come and get us. I hear a knock and then I hear a familiar voice. "Emily, are you okay?" The sweet Nick, I wonder if he decided to come and check on his own or if he was forced. "Yeah I am okay, I am coming." I turn to Kayla; "Do you want to come with me, I am here with some guys and I think you will get along fine." She nods and we link arms and walk to the studio where we were while laughing about some things we had been discussing.

As soon as I enter the guys look up with surprised faces and again we burst into laughter. Edwin raises his eyebrows while his eyes move from Kayla to me and back to Kayla again, while Brandon is clearly staring at her. "Hi guys, this is Kaylee. I just met her." I say with a big smile. She says hi and the guys introduce themselves. "What you guys met in the bathroom?" Austin asks.... "Uhm yes.." and we start laughing again.

Edwin p.o.v (while Emily is in the bathroom)

As if it was planned Emily excuses herself to freshen up, not that it was necessary by any means. However this gives me the possibility to talk to the guys about some things I can not yet tell her. "So how are you going to ask her?" Brandon says as soon as she leaves. I hold my breath and hope Emily did not hear that.

I give him a death glare but he just shrugs his shoulders, because Brandon seems to be unbothered whatever happens.

"I think I am just going to ask it straight up. I mean if she says yes I will be very happy, if she says no I will just date myself and then go home." Nick raises his eyebrows, but then Austin says something that makes everyone laugh. "If she don't want to come, hit me up... I can be your dream girl" and he flips his hair. "I will" I promise him, but I feel in my stomach that I really hope she does not say no. I am not sure if I would be able to face her again but I don't want to lose her either. Sometimes I catch myself thinking about my future and unsurprisingly she is always there next to me to support me and the others. And when I can't sleep at night I just think about her and I don't care that it might sound creepy. I just love her with my whole heart and I am praying that she likes me too.

I look at the others who are staring at me and I laugh; "sorry, I guess I was zoned out?" and they nod. "Well no one beats this guy." Brandon mumbles as he points to Zion who is staring and zoning out. I have no idea how he does it, but it is impossible to know what he is thinking about.

As if he heard that we were talking about him he snaps out of it and faces me. "Bro, you need to think about one thing...." and then he stops. My heart starts beating like crazy and I need him to continue. Luckily Nick was also annoyed by his sudden and partial sentence because next thing I know he pushes him; softly of course. Zion pushes him back, and then Austin starts to join. "Zion! Finish your....!" I say but before I can finish I am interrupted "Sandwich!" Austin and Zion scream at the same time, and I get the urge to facepalm myself or slap them but to be honest I can't figure out which to do first. If I facepalm myself first I might give my awesomeness to them but the other way around I might get some silliness of them...... Life is difficult...

Not long after Emily comes walking inside with another girl I have never seen before. They have their arms linked and have tears on their faces because they are laughing so much. "Uhm, Hi?' Emily introduces her as Kaylee and they just met in the bathroom. I mentally facepalm myself because that is exactly something for Emily, meet a new best friend in the bathroom. 


Now I want to get to know you guys so some questions:

1. Would you rather be a couple with Nick or siblings with Brandon?

2. Would you rather prank Zion together with Austin or prank Austin with Zion's help?  

3. Would you rather live next door to the pretty prettymuch boys as best friends  (you see what I did there ;p) or be in a long -distance relationship with one of the members? 

I am so curious. I would say siblings with Brandon, prank Austin with Zion, cause I fear Zion's revenge would be bad. Oh and be their best friend of course. 

Till next time readers <3

xxx Immy.M <3

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