25. Marrying?

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I am so sorry for my absence, my daily life has been a bit of a struggle for me, but I try to get back on track. It just takes some time. 

About this chapter: I am not entirely sure if this will be the last chapter of the book, I will either make another book, if you are interested please let me know in the comments! Or I will just write another chapter that gives you a bit of a future look of the life of Emily and Edwin.  I am not yet convinced and I would love to know what you guys would want. Please comment, because I am not a mind-reader, unfortunately. 

xxx Immy. M <3


Emily's eyes started to light up and a huge smile appeared on her face. "I would love to!" she screamed while almost squeezing all the air out of Edwin while hugging him. They kept jumping around and laughing for a few minutes until Edwin suddenly stopped and looked at Emily.

That is when Edwin takes Emily's hands and looks into her eyes, he has a sweet but serious look on his face and Emily can't help but wonder what is going on inside his head. He has been a bit distant lately, even though he is now there next to her.

"I know we are young, and I know that the past few weeks have not been the most stable. Especially not if you are looking to run away from a pressuring and chaotic environment, but I hope that you have no regrets concerning your choice of talking to us. No matter how though the last few weeks have been I am grateful for being able to stand by your side while you fight your way through all your problems. Without doubt I would stand by your side again. Every single moment we shared has been a dream come true, because even the hard times become easier when I face them with you.

You have given me, and are still giving me a feeling that I never believed in when I was little. If my mother were to talk about love, especially true love I would laugh. The idea of having one perfect soulmate in the world confused me. The chances of meeting that one person would be so minimal that I believed that it would mean that everyone would live and die with hearts full of grief of not knowing true love. This view changed the second I saw a mysterious figure sitting on our roof. When I met you I finally understood all those talks about true love, finding the one you are supposed to spent your life with. Like I said we are still young, but whenever someone bad happened my only thought was that I wanted to know if you were safe. That was all I cared about. I feel like you complete who I am and that is why I want to risk my heart by asking you a question.

Emily Melissa Cowell, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Emily was crying happy tears while Edwin held his speech, and all she could do was nod and silently say yes! They shared a kiss and then they walked downstairs and got back to the house within an hour or so.

As soon as they entered the living room Emily saw so many familiar people and she kissed her fiancée again while everyone around them was celebrating this amazing event happening. Edwin looked into her eyes and whispered: "We can stay engaged for as long as you wish." These were the words that Emily cherished; he was the one, she knew it for sure and she was over the moon.

That was when the crowd around them opened up and one person came strolling towards them with an intense look in his eyes. Emily froze and all of her happy feelings were gone at once. It was her uncle, but what he did next amazed her. He walked up to Edwin and gave him a hug while saying: "I am glad she said yes." Emily raised her eyebrows, and Edwin explained: "You did not think I would not ask permission? I would do anything to make you happy sweetheart."


Edwin was really nervous, this was the moment he had been waiting for his entirely life, but he had never expected it to be happening now. And especially not by asking his band manager, but he knocked on the door and when he heard a faint 'come in' he walked in with shaking hands. While standing up he made his statement:

"I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I'm going to ask her to marry me. If you want to kick me out of the band I will understand, but let the others have the success they deserve. But I won't give her up for the sake of my career. I am sorry but that is far too much of a sacrifice. "

"I understand Edwin, and I have seen how much you love her and what you would do for her. I am impressed by the way you respect her and take care of her, so I completely understand it. And do not fret, I will not kick you out of the band, otherwise she would kill me. No I would like to have you as part of the family. So hereby I will give you my blessing and I certainly hope she accepts."

Present time:

She gave her uncle a big hug, and then turned to her fiance. "You are the best, and I am so lucky to have you by my side."

The next people to congratulate them were of course the guys, Edwin's non-related brothers, but they have also grown quite close with Emily over the past few weeks. Then you had Sophia and Kayla who had become the most supportive friends Emily ever had, and they would stay friends for a very long time, maybe even forever.

Of course Miguel is also present and after the 'let's make Edwin jealous- disaster' Emily introduced Edwin and Miguel to each other and they are actually beginning to become good friends. It takes time, but they are both willing to give it a shot, which is much appreciated. Emily and Edwin talk with everyone present and after an hour and a half they are finally done and to celebrate the newly engaged couple Prettymuch, Miguel, Sophia and Kayla all accompany the couple to get dinner at a restaurant nearby. They have a lovely evening and everyone notices something happening between Sophia and Nick, which had already been predicted by Emily, who might also be known as the matchmaker amongst all of her friends.

At the end of the day Emily looks around and she realises that sometimes things will not go the way you planned, but in the end they can also turn out better than you could ever imagine. Life is what happens to us when we are busy making other plans. 

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