23. Her guardian

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Thank you so so so so much for 1K reads <3 You don't know how happy you make me with this <3 I am so pleased to see fellow-wattpad members enjoying my books, which is really motivating for me to continue writing and even finishing my books. So here is another chapter for you <3 Sorry for the long wait- like I had expected I had no sufficient wifi when I was on my holiday and I have just been very busy. 

But I really hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know by telling me what you like or just leave by clicking that beautiful star symbol right at the top of the chapter. Till next time! Or whenever you guys comment, cause I always try to respond to everyone. 

xxx Immy.M <3



"I, Edwin Honoret, come here because I love Emily. In the past three weeks that I have known her she has changed my life, she has shown me what it's like to love someone, she has shown me happiness, trust, comfort but most important true love. And I don't know who you think I am, and why you would say such things about me, but none of those things are true! This girl here, I believe, is my soulmate, I would die for her instead of letting anything bad happen to here. I have loved her since the first second I saw her and I will love her until my last breath, and even in the afterlife."

Patricia, and the others are standing here, shocked at what just happened. And then they hear a squeaking sound. "Edwin? Baby, I love you too." They hear a raspy voice say. All of the people in the room turn to see Emily who has just woken up. Edwin rushes to her bed and gives her a soft hug, "You are awake! Awh I am so happy. I was so damn worried."

Emily then looks at Patricia who is standing near the exit looking extremely sad and ashamed. "Pat, come here please." And she does what she is asked to do, everyone moves out of the way but not without giving her a mean look. "Patricia, thank you for defending me, but I promise you, this guy here is good. Patricia, I'd like you to meet the love of my life, Edwin Honoret."

After this awkward encounter Patricia apologizes to the guys, but mostly Edwin and Emily and they talk for a bit. Then everyone leaves to get something for lunch, the guys and Edwin promise to get something for Emily as well, and she agrees. As soon as they leave Emily slowly gets out of bed and walks over to the window, from where she looks into the garden in the center of the hospital. She had always gotten an uneasy feeling from visiting the hospital with its cold, uncomfortable beds. But she knew who brought her there, so she was glad that they cared about her. Then she glanced at her own reflection in the window. Some called her a clever, gracious angel, but she was more worried about what he would think of her after she had told him the news she had to break to him. Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Edwin Honoret. He was supposed to be with the others who had left to get something to eat, but apparently he did not leave.

Emily gulped; she had been told that she was a strong woman, but not even someone as strong as Emily was prepared for what she had to tell Edwin in a few minutes. He walked up to her with a sweet smile on his face and eyes full of kindness. "I am so glad that you are awake, I was worried sick about you Em." Emily looked back, even more nervous and still playing with her fingers.

"Edwin, I have to tell you something; but I just have no idea how I am going to tell this to you. A few years before we met my uncle introduced me to James, he was a young wanna-be musician at the time and I was just a regular student who was thinking about her future. My uncle thought it would be a good idea for James to help me and actually persuade me to pursue a career in the music industry. This, however, was not very successful, I loved singing in secret but my parents, they were never strict about my future. They understood my decision to go to the military academy instead of pursuing a singing career. My uncle, on the other hand, did not know of my military background so he kept forcing me to try out for different audition. And one day he even told James to force me into signing a contract. James, did however force me, but it had nothing to do with the music industry.

Edwin, I am afraid that I must tell you that I am pregnant, and it's not yours. It's his. You may have already suspected it, but it happened because of him. The worst part is that my uncle still does not know, he thinks James and I had gotten into a fight about the contract and that we stopped talking to each other because of that." she told him with eyes full of fear and shaking hands.

Edwin looks at her face and hugs her. The next thing he does surprises Emily, but he also surprises himself. He looks at her and strikes her stomach, while thinking about what this sudden pregnancy will mean. That is when he says, with a hushed voice, "I love you Emily and that is what matters. What he did to you is unforgettable, but for him, not for me. I would be honored to be in your life and stand by your side, and maybe even raise your child as if it were my own. All I care about is that you are happy and safe."

This brought tears of happiness to her eyes, he was an angel, her guardian. She suddenly realised that her fear of being alone for the rest of her life was no longer there. He made her feel like she was able to start this new chapter of her life with the support of a true prince. That is when she looks up at him and she sees tears of sadness in his eyes. 


What do you think?

Why is Edwin sad? And what about Edwin's reaction to Emily's news? I got emotional when I was writing this- I was like James you are so mean..... oops

If you want please check out my covershop- I still take requests <3

xxx Immy.M <3

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